Beautiful and Strong; Miracle of birth

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Another chapter oh my!!!!!

I love your commemts on the last chapter. Thank you guys!!!!

Ima try and get this uploaded tonight!!!!


Nami p.o.v

Its been about a week since my little incendent. I was finally able to leave my room and be a normal teenage werewolf again.

On the flip side I have been dealing with a mood swinging pregnant girl and a stressed out mate. They haven't left my side since I was moved to my room. Robin is due anytime know and Charlie has gotten no sleep these last few days.

Now that I'm better I'll relieve the poor boy, so I offered to take Robin shopping for baby clothes. Turns out she's having a little boy.

"Nami you are a godess" Charlie said with hearts in his eyes. Once I told him I was giving him a break he went into dream world. Robin on the other had ended up beating the shit out of him for his flirting side.

"Okay Robin I think he had enough" I said dragging the round womem off of him. "Sorry honey" she said. "See ya" I said dragging her out.

I grabbed my jeep keys and kissed my jeep. "It's been so long" I said. "Can we go" Robin whined. I rolled my eyes and got in. She got in the passenger side and rested her  feet on the dash. "How are you still able to do that" I asked amazed.

"Flexiable" she shrugged. I sighed out in annoyance and started the jeep and leaving.

We pull up to the mall which was kinda packed. "Lets go"Robin said dragging me. We stopped in a baby shop and Robin went crazy. I watch the prego girl go from clothes to shoes in seconds. Pilling stuff up in a shopping cart for her I followed.

"Lookie girls it miss get knock up in high school and her sidekick miss wannabebeauty" A way to familiar voice said. My eyebrow did a little twitch while the she devil herself let steam come out her nose. Robin turn quickly in one of her swings.

"Listen here sweety. If you want to keep those fake ass breast of yours I would shut the fuck up right now" she yelled. "Easy there Robin" I said grabbing her arm. "Watch it you two. Don't want my boyfriend to hear about this do you" Kayla said smiling.

"Kayla I'm tired of you. I'm tired of you going around flashing guys, tired of you using people amd breaking there hearts. Damian is a good person and doesn't need your filthy hands on him. Listen here right now. Im beautiful and strong so move it or lose it. Don't go fucking around with my friends. If you hurt him again then you'll be a dead girl" I said pointing at her chest making her walk against the wall. I know my eyes flashed to a blue color but oh well. I mean business when it comes to this slut.

"Also the next time you say something mean to Robin and her kid then you will be waking up in a ditch" I spat and grabbed Robin going to check out.

"You sure I'm the pregnant one" Robin asked. "When we get back I'm warning Damian that he needs to keep his toy on a leash or I might break her" I growled. Robin stopped and clutch her stomach. Liquid ran down her legd and I froze. "Holy shit" Robin said.

"Mam are you okay" the clerk asked. "Her water just broke" I said. "Come on Robin I'll get you back" I said. I ended up carrying her out earning stares of amazement. Strapping her in I took off spinning the wheels.

'Listen up everyone!!! Robin water broke were heading back. Have the pack doctor waiting' I mind-linked the ahole pack.

About 5 minutes later I sped into the drive way and was met with Charlie and almost the whole pack. He lifted Robin out and took her inside. I got out following close by.

A hand clasp on my shoulder and stopped me. "Mind explaining what happen with Kayla?" Damian asked. "Not know" I said shrugging him off. I ran inside and met up with Elenor who was helping the doctor.

Damian p.o.v

I sat on the couch with Charlie and Mikey. Robin screams could be heard and Charlie would cringe. I will be in his place soon. Then again since I'm not going with my real mate I probably wont.

Kayla text earlier still had me upset. Nami' threat to kill her replayed in my head. Yes Nami has a anger problem, but she never threaten anyone before.

The whole place grew silent. Then the eruption of a baby cry filled the area. Nami walked out with a cheeful smile. "Well congrats Charlie. You have a beautiful baby boy" she said. Charlie jumped up in glee. "Can I see them?" he asked. "Go" she said laughing. He ran pass her kissing her cheek and shouting with glee.

I felt a painge of jelousy when he did that. She turn towards me her hair fanning her face. The setting sun warm light made her seem so beautiful.

"You wanted to talk" she said.


Another chapter up tonight

again im typing on my phone so sorry for any spelling mistakes and grammer mistakes.

no bad comments




and review please

kitty23457 :D

ps. im watching Beastly and its giving me a ideal for a new stroy. Should I take this risk?

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