A second chance

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Nami p.o.v

We stopped our war when Kayla walled out half dressed with a smirk on her face. We could hear things being thrown.

I ran in with the others behind me. Eleanor walked downstairs with tears in her eyes. " What happen" I asked. "That little human bitch got what she wanted and left him" she snarled. Robin went to hold her due to fact no wolf can harm a pregnant female.

"I'll go talk to him" I said making my to the stairs. " Please don't. He not in control and might hurt you" she said. "He wont hurt me" I said more to reassure myself than her.

I bounded up the stairs. Some of the door was broken and the growls and whimpers of someone in pain was loud. I placed my hand on the door shoving it open.

Damian who was lying on the ground looked up and growled challenging me to come closer. Any sane wolf would run away with there tails in between there legs. I came closer causing him to stand up. He nails were slightly longer as well as his teeth. "GO" he yelled. I came closer to him and he took a step back. 

"Damian I need you to calm down. I'm here to help" I said stopping. He let out a feral growl jumping at me. He hit me making me fall with him on top. Hi snails dug into the skin on my arm. I let out a yelp of pain. "Why don't you listen to your Alpha" he said in a low warning growl. When I didn't answer quick enough he dug his nails in. Tears began to fall down my eyes as I bite my lip, so I didn't cry out. 

"Damian stop your hurting me" I cried out. Once he saw that his face fell and he got off me and stood up starring at the wall. I got up holding my arms and looked at him. "I told you she was going to break your heart. why didn't you just listen to me Damian" i yelled. Tears soaked my eyes as he stared off in space. He never answered me as i stood by his door. "Why did you choose her Damian why! I may never admit this to anyone else but i love you; Damn it but you had to say yes. Those three letters is the cause of all of this. Bye Damian" i said. " Wait" he said. 

I didn't listen, but began to storm out. I almost mad it out, but arms wrapped around me holding me close to a warm body. I couldn't stop the tears that fell as Damian laid his head on my shoulder. "I'm so sorry Nami. I didn't mean to hurt you" he said. His head pressed against my neck as he inhaled to calm down. "Stupid Damian you can't go on a rage" I said in a shaky voice. 

"It hurts" he whispered. I turn to give him a hug and patted his back. Looking around I knew it was best to get him out of this room. "Come on" I said pulling him along. He didn't fight with me and allowed me to pull him where I wanted to go. Going to my room was the best answer. "Maybe some rest will do you good" I said. He didn't answer, so I helped him in my bed. 

I grabbed my phone once his eyes closed and sat in  my closet door. My back was against the frame as my knees were tucked into my chest. I texted Robin giving her the news and that they should get some guys over to clean up that room. She asked if I needed help, but i told her I was fine. I leaned my head against the frame setting my phone down.

Kayla just wrote her death wish and will be dealt with. I don't care if Damian forbids us to, but his Alpha tone doesn't work on me. My inner wolf was furious and wanted out. I had to struggle to keep her down, but for know as long as Damian is okay I can put off the killing thoughts. My eyes closed as I watch his even breaths. Soon I was asleep as well. 

Damian p.o.v

I awoke in a better mood. Nami was right about some sleep. I knew I was in her room do to her scent everywhere. It was soothing and helped me out. Getting away from Kayla scent had also calm me down. Turning I saw Nami asleep in a uncomfortable way. Her head was down and legs bent weird. Her back arched away from the frame. That will be one acking back pain later.

Getting up I walked over and pushed her over. She landed with a thud and jumped up hitting my head. I rubbed the spot as she cussed every single word she could. "Damn it Damain don't scare me like that" she said rubbing her head. "You looked uncomfortable" I said. "You feeling better" she ask. "Yes" I said. 

She got up and stretched. "I think some fresh air will do you some good" she said. My wolf pranced at the ideal of being free. "Sure" I said. We went downstairs where a passed out Mikey laid on the couch and Charlie watching t.v. "Going out" he asked. "Yeah" I answered. Nami pulled me along with her outside. She began to strip once she enter the forest not caring if I watched her. She turn and smiled her hair covering her breast. "You gonna strip" she asked shifting. 

Her wolf gave me a evil grin while I stripped. This was the thing about wolves. We weren't so sketchy with the ideal of becoming naked in front of each other. I shifted and ran to Nami who already began to take off. The feel of the grass under my foot and the smells of the forest made me forget about why I was mad or sad.

Nami nipped my shoulder causing me to turn. She pranced around and lashed her tail out teasing me. She was playing around like a cub. I went to bite her tail, but she dodge it. She grinned and took off away from me. I took on the chase allowing myself to feel like I use to. I always had fun running in the forest. Nami made it better with the playing. When we went in group runs we would always play. 

Nami stopped really fast causing me to hit her and tumble us both down a hill. I landed on top of her and she let out a grunt. Getting up off her I backed away. Looking around I notice we were out of the lands. I haven't seen this place before. 

'Damain could this be the neutral area' Nami asked. 'I'm not sure, but I think so' I answered. She gave me a wolfy smirk and jump on my back. My legs went out and I landed with her weight on top. For such a small wolf she sure does know how to get a person down. 

'Thank you Nami' I said getting up. 'For what' she asked. 'For a second chance to smile again' I said. She licked the side of my muzzle and rubbed herself against me. 'I'll always be here for you' she said. 


Hoped you guys like this chapter!!!








enjoy!!! :)

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