Dance my heart away

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Damian p.o.v

It's been a whole day since the party. Robin been sick  since morning and Charlie been having a heart attack worrying over her. Nami been avoiding me and it hurts.

"DAMIAN!!" someone shouted by my ear. I jumped surprised and landed on the ground. I looked up growling to see a smirking Nami leaning over me. "Got ya" she said. She slid down on the couch laying her feet on my legs. "So Damian... My jeep has a oil leak so Robin, Mikey, Charlie, and I have no way to get to the dance. Due to Robin's morning sickness I was ruled out to ask you for a ride" she said.

"I don't think I'll have room" I said. Her face got in a scowl and moved so she was face to face with me. "Are you really going to make us walk" she said.

"No, but I guess y'all can take my mom care. Go ask her" I said. She got up and left. I pulled myself up in a stance. The dance was tomorrow and Kayla wanted to come over, so I let her.

A knock sounded on the door and my mom cut me off. She open the door  and forced a smile on her lips. "You must be the lovely lady I've heard Damian talk about" she said. Behind her eyes I knew she disapproved. "Awww he talks about me" she said.

A bunch of footsteps could be heard as laughter fills the air. I turn as do my mom and Kayla. Robin was the first to descend. She seemed a lot better then what she was. Nami followed on Mikey's back laughing as she made it so he couldn't see. Charlie was right behind watching to catch her if Mikey fell.

My mom cleared her throat catching their attention. "Everyone Damian has invited Kayla over. BE nice and don't scare her off" she said. " You might want to warn the others" Charlie said know by Robin in a protective stance.

Nami placed her hands over Mikeys eyes causing him to fall. He face planted the floor, but she was okay. "Awww but we plan a mud fight today" Nami whined. "You can still do it" my mom answered. Nami had her mischief eyes on. "Oh Robin would like to talk to you and Mrs. Parks later" she said getting up.

'What's wrong with Robin' I asked through mind link. 'There's going to be little feet around here soon' she answered. I smirked at this comment. I knew it would happen soon and it explains why Charlie acted like that.

"Come on guys lets go get are battle ready girls vs. boy" Nami said. "No" Mikey whined. Nami was ruthless in games. We played dodge ball once and Mikey poor cheek was red for days.

"Sorry" she said walking past us. The others followed and my mom just rolled her eyes. "So Kayla want a tour" I asked to break the silence. "I'll love that" she answered.

Nami p.o.v

I loved when we had games like these. I was already in perfect clothes. Due to Robin situation I would be throwing the most. She'll stay in the fort and make the balloons.

I hope Kayla comes out so a balloon will accidentally hit her. "Nami you have that creepy face back" Mikey said. I hit his arm making him whine. "Why'd you do that" he asked. "One for dropping me and Two because you know you love my creepy face" I said.

Charlie busted out laughing with Robin.

"Okay from here on out we part ways. We each have 10 minutes to ready everything. I'll let out a signal to signal the start of the war" I said.

Robin walked over with me gibing Charlie a air kiss. We walked to the left of thr house. I had went out earlier and sat stuff up. Making sure Robin was comfortable I began to shove everything by her. She made a few and I took them. "10 minutes are up" Robin said looking at her watch.

I let out a blood curling howl. I hoped Kayla got scared due to this. I heard the guys rushing their stations. Oh there so dead!

Damian p.o.v

I lead Kayla to my room. She was quiet surprised by how much space I had. A blood curling howl erupted and she jump knocking us over onto my bed with her on top. She stared down at me with lust filled eyes.

Her lips captured mine and things got pretty hot from there.




I laid panting a bit with Kayla laying next to me. Her phone rang so she answered it. "Yeah its done. It was great. Im coming home baby" she said.

I sat up looking at her weirdly. "Now that I got what I wanted this is goodbye. If your ever in the mood just call me" She said dressing. "Wait what" I said standing. I pulled my pants on and grab her shoulder.

" You should've listen to your friend. Thanks for pouring your heart out to me I had fun taking it away" she said smiling. Anger grew inside me. "Get the fuck out of here" I growled. Her face paled but she scamper off. I slammed my door closed throwing shit around.

Grabbing my desk I flung it to the wall breaking it. Pictures were tore down and shredded. My bed was broken in half. The pain wouldn't leave me. I could hear footsteps running up here. I didn't want to see anyone know.

"Damian" my mom shouted. "LEAVE ME" I yelled. "Sweaty you need to calm down" she said. "I SAID TO GO" I yelled using my alpha tone. She obey like everyone does.

I was alone in my room, pain and all.


Another chapter :)

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