Chapter 7 Shopping in Knockturn Alley

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Harry had but a few words to say. "I trusted him, Damn Dumbledore, I TRUSTED HIM!

Hermione had sat quietly up until that moment. "It will be all right Harry, We can get away from him go some where else."

The couple then went through, all of Harry's assets; He got a bottomless wallet adding one million galleons and one million pounds sterling. Harry knew a few things he wanted out of Knockturn Alley.

When they left the Bank Harry put glamour's on himself and Hermione, He went to Borgin and Burkes, Bought the vanishing cabinet, the cursed daggers that had been used on Hermione. Then they went to a shop he'd learned of as an auror.

The shop had no name its windows were so dirty they may as well have been boarded over. As they entered the noticed the interior was no better Cob webs covered everything the dust seemed an inch or more thick. I single counter in front of a very thin door was all that adorned the shop. A small extremely old woman with scraggily grey hair came through the door. She only nodded her head, and waved her hand for the couple to follow.

They entered a large clean work space with tools on the table in a rack all clean and shinny. The walls contained jars and boxes of all sorts. The old woman sat down and morphed into a middle aged man with a slight pot belly, dark hair graying at the temples, "You can let go the glamour Mr. Potter, you'll have no trouble here. Now what can I do for you and the lovely young lady?"

Harry dropped the glamour's and spoke. "We need wands with out the trace." The man smiled, "Knowing that is patently illegal It will cost a bit more. May I see your present wands?"

Harry handed his wand first Hermione held hers tight.

"I see, An Olivander creation Single core Phoenix feather is it not? We'll start with you Mr. Potter."

The man led Harry to box covered in runes.

"Hold your hand over the box and call out to the wood, similar to summoning your broom into your hand call it forth."

Harry did as he was instructed, the box seemed to rattle and bounce as the blank moved amongst the others. At last a 15 ¾

Inch piece of elder jumped into his hand.

The man then placed another similar box in front of Harry and repeated his instructions.

Harry again called forth the core for his new wand. Seven cores jumped into his hand. Thestral hair from the mane of a stallion, a piece of basilisk bone, heartstring of a Hungarian horntail, the hair of a tail of a golden unicorn, a tail feather of a phoenix, a heartstring of a manticore, and a vial of phoenix tears.

The man looked at what Harry held his eyes a light. "You do present a challenge Mr. Potter; with this it will need a handle."

He placed another box similar again to the others, Harry summoned the handle, out from the box rose a blood stone. When it hit Harry's palm he could feel a small cut and blood flowed onto the stone.

The man looked again, "This will be a most powerful wand that will only work for you. It will be ready in two hours."

Hermione's wand makings went the same hers was again to be vine wood but three cores. Heartstring of a welsh green, the main hair of a unicorn foal, and also a phoenix feather. It also required a handle, it was pure jade, and it also took some her blood into the handle when it reached her hand.

They told the man they would return in two hours and headed for Flourish and Blots, while Hermione perused the shelves, Harry was pulling books down left and right. They had more than fifty books when they left the shop. A quick stop in the apothecary and it was time to acquire their new wands.

When they arrived back at the shop in Knockturn Alley the wands were ready. The man took them in another room to try them out. He had them throw stunners at targets on the back wall.

They were not denting the targets as expected, simple stunning spells were obliterating the targets like an over powered reducto.

Harry and Hermione then Apperated to kings cross just as the train was pulling in. They walked through the barrier 6to meet the Grangers and Dursleys.

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