Chapter 20 Draco and the feas

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At this point the conversation came to a halt as Malfoy opened the door.

"Potter, Can I talk to you, Alone?"

Harry and Draco walked to an empty compartment in the same car. Draco sat down hard with an exasperated look on his face. "How do you do it?" Harry Looked a bit perplexed. "How Do I Do what?"

Draco was almost in tears. "Get everyone to at least look up to you."

Harry thought he understood. "Draco, Most people who meet me see the boy who lived, But if that's all I was, I wouldn't be much. I want people to meet me, Just Harry. I don't try to live up to the hype. I'm a 15 year old kid, with a lot to learn. I don't try to be above anyone. Just be your self, make your own mistakes, we all do. Stop using daddy or money or anything like that. Let people meet Draco. Help every one when you can. Ask for help when you need it. You're out of the shadows now. Be you instead of what some one wants you too."

"But How?" Draco said.

Harry looked at Draco. "It's easy; treat every one the way you want to be treated."

The rest of the train ride was uneventful; they finally made it to the Great Hall, Professor McGonagall was in the center seat, and professor Flitwick was handling the first years. Once the sorting was finished, dinner was served. Ron was doing as he usually did spraying everyone with half eaten food. Now was the moment Harry knew was coming.

Professor McGonagall began. "Welcome to Hogwarts, I have a few announcements, the forbidden forest is as always forbidden, the list of banned items is on Mr. Filtch's Office Door. Quiditch for this year has been canceled." The hall went crazy. When they finally settled down she continued. "The ministry has reinstituted the Triwizard tournament. It is between the most prominent schools of Europe. One Champion will be chosen from each school. They will then compete in three tasks that are extremely dangerous. You must be seventeen to enter and the champions will be chosen by an impartial judge. The other schools will arrive on the thirtieth of October. Now Prefects please lead the first years to their houses. Time for bed off you go."

Gryffindor boys dorm fourth years

Ron was sitting on his bed when Harry came in. "Harry so you're dating Hermione?"

Harry gave Ron a look that said, don't go there. "Yes, Ron but it's more than that."

Ron looked at him like you're kidding. "Great practice for the real thing then?"

Harry got his hackles up. "Why would you even say some thing like that?"

Ron looked like Harry was stupid. "Come on Harry, this is Hermione, you're the Boy who lived. You can have any girl in the world and you'd settle for Hermione?"

Harry was getting more than angry his magic was crackling. "You mean the Hermione you constantly belittle. The Hermione that's beautiful, smart, caring, that would walk through fire for me. The Girl I just happen to be in love with."

Ron was incredulous. "There are so many prettier girls Harry."

Harry couldn't believe his ears. "Drop it Ron, this will never change....EVER!"

Harry pulled the curtains on his four poster bed and put up wards for quiet and went to bed fuming at Ron.

The next morning Harry avoided Ron getting up early. He waited for Hermione in the common room and they went down to breakfast together.

When they arrived in the great hall, no one else had arrived save Severus Snape. "Mr. Potter, you're early."

Harry smiled, and handed the professor a note it read (find a reason to give me detention tonight). "Yes sir we want to get an early start on classes."

Snape sneered, "You will be having potions with me first, See to it you are on time." Snape spun on his heels cloak billowing behind him.

After the encounter with Snape they took there normal seats at the Gryffindor table. Breakfast was basically quiet. Ron sat with Seamus and Dean. Neville came in a few minutes latter to join them.

"Harry are you and Hermione Really Dating?"

Harry got a very big Smile. "Nev She's the love of my life; I can assure you I'm off the Market."

Ginny was sitting close by and ran from the Great Hall. Of course Lavender brown heard him say it and the rumor mill was off and running.

Not long after Pansy Parkinson trailed by Crabbe and Goyle made an appearance. She looked down her nose at Harry.

"Still slumming with the mudblood Potter?"

Harry looked up and laughed in her face. "If you mean I'm dating the most beautiful desirable woman in the school and not some inbred pug dog....You're right."

Pansy pulled her wand and sent off a nasty looking curse that Harry deflected into the ceiling.

Snape was there in a heart beat. "Potter, Detention my office 7 o'clock tonight!"

Harry frowned at Snape but his eyes were smiling. "I'll be there sir." Was said in a very contrite manner.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2015 ⏰

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