Chapter 6: Gringgots

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Harry left at a run to the headmaster's office, laid a hand on the Gargoyle guarding the entrance and it moved aside. He entered the Office and summoned the Sword of Gryffindor. Then he sprinted to the Great Hall. When Harry arrived He took Hermione's hand and they walked to the three broomsticks.

When they reached the Bar, with out a word Harry threw a Galleon to Rosemerta and flued to the Leaky Cauldron. Harry kept his eyes down as they made there way to Diagon Alley. The made no detour as they had to get in and out before Dumbledore sent the Order after them. Gringgots Stood tall and bright on the sunlit day, Harry and Hermione hurried through the nearest open teller. "Good teller I know not your name, I wish to see the account manager for the Potter Family."

The Teller gave a grin; the grin of a Goblin is something most anyone would rather never see. "And your name would be?"

Harry stood tall not at all intimidated. "Lord Harry James Potter of the Most Ancient and most Noble House of Potter, also the Scion of The Ancient and Most Noble and Most Ancient House of Black! Time is money we don't have much time."

The Teller seemed amazed, "If you would follow me please."

Harry, Hermione and the as yet unnamed teller, walked through a maze of Hall ways decorated in carved relief of Goblins in battle, each scene more gruesome than the one before it. Even though the carved marble still held an awe inspiring beauty. When they arrived at an ornate Golden door with the name Potter emblazoned on it.

The Goblin seated there spoke with authority gained over many years, he also seemed very upset. "Mister Potter, Lady Potter….I'm Glad you could make it in. You Mr. Potter have not answered as much as one summons to see me since; well the first was on your eleventh Birth Date. Could you tell me why that is?"

"Sir, I have never received any correspondence of any kind from Gringgots. I also have received no notification of any kind. I'm here now; maybe we may rectify the situation." Harry said honestly.

"We will investigate this further; your Magical guardian should have brought you in on your eleventh date of your Birth. No matter, we first must handle your parents will. Will that be acceptable?" The Goblin Said looking at the two teens.

Harry was angry he knew Dumbles was his magical guardian…one more strike against him.

"That would be fine sir."

The goblin wrote something on a piece of parchment placed it in a box and it disappeared. A few moments latter a goblin Harry recognized entered carrying to large and very full accordion folders and a roll of parchment with a wax seal. Harry smiled at the little Goblin. "Hello Griphook, how have you been?"

Griphook Looked at Harry as if he had three heads. "You know me Mr. Potter?"

Harry laughed and Hermione looked at him as if he lost his mind. "Of course I know you. Griphook you are the first Goblin I really met. You took me to my vault the first time. How could I forget how helpful you were?"

"Well thank you Lord Potter, I hope I may always render such assistance."

Harry's Account manager was astounded no one remembered the Goblins nor were friendly toward them. This wizard would need to be carefully watched. "Well Lord Potter we have much to do, now that the pleasantries are concluded. We must move on." He shuffled through some papers, handing Harry Three to sign, then handed Harry a scroll. "Place three drops of blood on the seal to open it."

Harry did as requested, when the seal cracked he handed back to the account manager, who then began the reading.

"The last will and testament of Lord James Charles Potter and Lady Lilly Marie Evans-Potter. We being of sound minds and bodies do declare this our last will and testament signed 28 October in the year 1981.

This will should be read within a week of our passing.

To Sirius Black, we leave one million galleons, and the guardianship of our son Harry James Potter. We trust you Sirius and ask Amelia bones to marry you. You know you love her it would be a good match.

To Remus John Lupin we leave one million galleons, and the cottage in Devonshire. We love you Remus, Help Sirius keep an eye on Harry. Find someone to love; you are more than worth it, a one night a month furry little problem should not make a difference.

To Amelia Bones, we leave five hundred thousand galleons, to help in raising little Susan. Sirius Loves you, Lilly says Hog tie him if you have too.

To our wonderful Son Harry James Potter, we leave all Titles, Lands, Moneys, and our never ending Love. Son grow Strong and be your own man, remember we are always proud of you.

For Peter Jon Petigrew there are two codicils attached to this will. If we were to die of natural causes he is to receive the first, if by any means we suffer an unnatural death this will and codicils are to be delivered to the DMLE as evidence.

Should Sirius Black be unable to raise our Harry, The order of choice is thus.

Amelia Susan Bones

Frank and Alice Longbottom

Ted and Andromeda Tonks

Under no circumstances what so ever Is Harry to be placed With Petunia and Vernon Dursley, we would fear for his life and happiness in there care.

This will is signed and witnessed this day 28 October 1981

James Charles Potter

Lilly Marie Evans-Potter

Witnessed By

Albus Percival Wolfric Brian Dumbledore

Theodore Tonks

Registered by Gringgots Bank and the Ministry of Magic

Harry had but a few words to say. "I trusted him, Damn Dumbledore, I TRUSTED HIM!"

Hermione had sat quietly up until that moment. "It will be all right Harry, We can get away from him go some where else."

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