Chapter 15 The day of Death Eater pain

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Sirius was listening to what Harry was saying intently. Some words and sayings just didn't add up. It was as if he had fought this war already and was doing it again.

In Diagon Alley Dumbledore was fuming, six lives lost. They had no time to come to the light, just killed out right. The Aurors said Harry was at the scene but was not involved. He knew Harry had done it but couldn't figure out how. In Dumbledore's mind Harry had to have turned dark. Light wizards never killed.

He needed to find the boy quickly and bring him heal.

Now with Malfoy dead and the Prophet's revelations in the morning paper he knew what caused the attack. Voldemort had not yet resurfaced.

Death eaters among us

At the demise of He-who-should-not-be named. The war against evil ended, or did it.

Our court system released many Marked Death Eaters that used the imperious curse as their excuse. As we have found out, you can not be marked unless you do so willingly.

This defense is then moot. The marked death eaters, like the Malfoy's, Goyle's, Crabbe's, and others, then walked away Scot free.

These monsters need to be brought to justice.

There are many of them in places of power today. It is said they are benefactors of our society. Murders, rapists and seditionists are not benefactors. We implore the Wizengamot, to reopen these cases under veritaserum, and get the truth, we deserve nothing less.

Office of Cornelius Fudge

Minister for Magic

Cornelius was not having a good day. The first hour was nothing but howlers, screaming about fixing the injustice's of the last war. If those people were brought to trail, many other things would come out.

These were what he looked at as pillars of the community. He had vilified any one that stood against them. He had not participated in the last war, but he was a Blood purist and believed in the dogma. He was in deep political shit. Dumbledore had been no help. The articles that had come out about the school and his roll in the trials had not helped him either. Delores Umbridge had just given him another headache. Apparently the prophet would no longer just print what they were told; they wanted the facts to back it up.

The Wizengamot was in turmoil. The blood purists were screaming the rest wanted heads to roll (his being one of them).

Malfoy Manor noon

Auror Dawlish hated these calls, but it must be done. The rookie Auror Tonks at his side, He waited at the gate. A house elf dressed in a filthy tea towel escorted the Aurors to a sitting room in the manor to wait.

About ten minutes latter Narcissa and Draco entered the room. The Aurors stood to greet them. "Mrs. Malfoy, I am Auror John Dawlish, this is Auror Tonks. I am sorry to inform you" He took a deep breath, "That this morning at approximately ten thirty, Your Husband Lucius Malfoy, in full death eater regalia was killed in a fire fight, in Diagon Alley. He was with a full group of at least twelve others also in death eater garb. Six were killed and were three wounded and a now in the long term spell damage ward at Saint Mungos. We are sorry for you loss."

Draco was incensed. "It was murder cold blooded murder, No one could beat father in a duel. I want his murder brought to justice!"

Dawlish returned Draco's thoughts. "Mr. Malfoy, your fathers wand arm was severed at the elbow, he bled out before the Aurors arrived. There is only one magical signature in every wound we found. It is not one registered with the ministry. One man or woman devastated an entire contingent of what looks to be some of strongest Death eaters. It was six lives taken, over the scores that could have died. As far as I'm concerned and those in charge at the ministry, Who ever did this was a hero. We will not be looking to prosecute who ever it was that did this. In fact should this person come forward they will most likely be awarded an order of Merlin."

Potter house

Harry walks into a very perplexed Sirius Black. "Harry, what's going on?" Harry just Smiled. "It's a bit hard to explain Sirius. Do you know how to use a Pensive?"

Sirius Still perplexed said, yes. Harry had Dobby get the pensive and told Sirius to come talk to him after he viewed the all the memories contained with in it.

Gringgots Bank

Draco Malfoy walked in the bank bold as brass. He walked to the nearest teller and instead of waiting, began. "I need to see the Malfoy account Manger NOW!"

The Goblin was going to enjoy this thoroughly. "I'm sorry sir, the Malfoy accounts have been sealed by order of the ministry. The Goblin Nation, and your Ministry, Have halted access to all accounts of all death eaters, until determinations of guilt can be made. Your Trust vault is still available."

Draco's anger was getting to him. His face was as red as Weasley hair. "My father was great man murdered in the street this very morning! Those laws should not apply!"

The teller was enjoying this. "Mr. Malfoy, your father was killed in an attack on Diagon alley this day as you so claim. It was he who instigated the attack. He was in no way murdered. As such those laws do apply to his accounts. They are frozen until guilt van be assigned, if found guilty eighty percent of his assets will be seized by the ministry for reparations to those harmed in the last war and to those who may have been harmed in this mornings unsuccessful raid."

Draco drew his wand on the Goblin, and had four Goblin battle axes at his throat.

The teller laughed (you never want to hear a goblin laugh in a situation like this). "Mr. Malfoy you have pulled a wand on a goblin in Gringgots bank with intent to harm. You are under arrest and will face goblin justice." An axe then severed Draco's wand and he was taken away.

Office of the Headmaster of Hogwarts

Albus was sitting in his office, looking at Mad eye Moody. "Alistair we need to find Harry, He is in danger, Black is still on the loose and he has many enemies."

Mad eye Chuckled. "Albus I can't even get a line on him, it's as if he dropped off the world. If he wants to be found he will be. That boy is more resourceful than the death eaters."

Albus was not amused. "That's what worries me. He thwarted the attack on Diagon alley and killed six people. It can't happen like this!"

Mad Eye Got serious. "What was he suppose to do, use stunners. If he did it, he saved scores of lives. Personally I'll applaud him if it was him."

Albus was not happy with Mad Eye's revelation. "Light wizards don't just Kill Alistair!"

Mad Eye was not going to let Albus win this one. "The boy did the right thing, if it was him. Not one dark spell was used. He saved the innocent...that is what light wizards do Albus. Stop catering to those of the dark. They are not coming back to the light. They had a chance over the last thirteen years and they will not change now! We lost too many good people in the last war to your no kill policy."

Potter house

Sirius came out of the pensive white as a sheet. The memories Harry had shown him were beyond horror. He needed to help his godson now!

Sirius found Harry at the kitchen table calmly eating a sandwich and some chips.

Harry looked at Sirius and Laughed. "Did you enjoy parts of my previous Life?"

Sirius sat heavily in the chair across from Harry. "Not really, my own death certainly gave me a new view on things. What are we doing now?"

Harry got Serious. "Doing all we can to prevent it. I need you to do something for me."

Sirius just sat straighter. "Anything Harry you know that."

Harry grinned. "Call Kreacher, he needs to get us the locket Regulus told him to destroy."

Letters not mailedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora