Chapter 9: Dumbledore at hogwarts

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Dumbledore Arrived at Hogwarts after ten that evening, the Dursleys were no where to be found, the Grangers seemed to have disappeared too. All the gadgets on his shelves tied to Harry were dead, the only one working said he was in good health, in fact the best health it had ever shown, and even the tracking spell on his owl was gone.

What had happened to the boy, He knew things he should never have known. Miss Granger was some how privy to this. He had reset the wards on Privet Dr four times, only to have them fall in minutes. So he placed some basic protection wards that held. He also set alarm wards on the Granger home to alert him of their return.

He flu called Minerva, but it seems she already left for the summer.

Severus did answer the call.

When Severus entered the room Dumbledore waved him to sit as he paced about the room, the twinkle in his gone and a look of hard determination replaced it.

"Severus, it seems we have lost Mr. Potter, any suggestions you might have?"

Snape with the same look of distain he always had with the name Potter, sneered as he spoke.

"Albus, I told you the boy is only about using his fame. He has no care what we do for him. He is spoiled to the core, just like his father."

Albus was incensed, but tried not to show it. "Severus, He knows things he shouldn't. Earlier today we argued, some how he has learned of the prophesy, and more. We must find him before he turns dark on us."

Snape smirked and held back a chuckle.

"In other words he has learned of your manipulations, and will no longer be your malleable weapon. If what I heard from Minerva he completed the soul bond with that mudblood. If so your compulsions and my potions to stop it will have failed. So your manipulations to raise the Weasleys will have also failed. I feel there is more to this than you can stop now, and you raised him for slaughter, now he will no longer willingly march to your drum. This is what worries you. That boy is much stronger than you realize, be careful or you will loose him all together."

Albus looked at Snape like he had grown another head.

You always said the boy was did you put it (DUNDERHEAD) I think you missed the mark. From what I can see now he some how fooled us all.

Snape laughed, "He actually got one over on you didn't he."

Albus still pacing, "Call the order we need to find Harry and bring him to heal as quickly as possible!"

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