Chapter 11 finding the Snape of truth

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When the grangers pulled up loaded down with bags. Harry got them to put everything in the Ranger and looked to see if anyone was looking and shrunk the Grangers to the size of a toy and parked it under the seat. Mr. Granger stood there Gob smacked, even Hermione was amazed. "Harry, how did you do that?" Harry smiled, "Just simple shrinking and stasis charm, come on it's two days to Little Hangleton, and I need to teach you a couple of spells on the way."

Harry was happily riding in the back seat of the Ranger as the knick named the car. Hermione had gotten the ward spells he taught her with in the first two hours. They stopped at a small restaurant in a non descript town, It was just home cooking style place but the food was good. As they left afterwards they ran into one person they never thought they would. Severus Snape was standing next to the ranger. "Mr. Potter, if we could talk a moment?" Harry waved the others away and kept his wand at the ready.

Snape turned to Harry, "Minerva told me what happened, and she showed me a memory of the encounter. When you are school I must keep up the facade of our relationship. I promised you parents I'd protect you. If you tell me what's going on, I may be able to help."

Harry looked at Severus like he'd never met him. "If you're telling the truth, give me your left arm." Severus Bared his arm and Harry took hold of it. Harry pushed his wand into the dark mark on Severus arm. The look of Pain on Severus face was enough to know something was happening, and then the pain stopped, and Severus looked down at his now clean unmarked arm. "How?"

Harry smiled at him. "Honest repentance, It had to be true that you no longer wanted it and It relieves you of any oaths pertaining to it."

Severus actually had a tear in his eye. "Thank you Harry, But how?" It's a spell we developed three years after the war, actually Hermione did it. I'm from the future Severus. We are now tracking down some items we need to destroy. Do you know of the room of requirement in Hogwarts?

Severus looked at Harry like he lost his mind. "No never heard of it."

"Ok when we get back to the car I'm going to make something for you." Harry took a breath. "It's a Goblin memory crystal, tap it and it will be me speaking parceltounge. Take it to the second floor girl's bath room. Tap the crystal in front of the sinks in the middle of the floor. It will open the tube to the chamber of secrets. Slide down the tube. When we were down there a cave in occurred. Move enough rocks out of the way and follow the path. You'll reach the door with snakes on it, Tap the crystal again. Inside you'll find the basilisk I killed get the fangs carefully? Then go to the room of requirement Its on the seventh floor across from the tapestry of Barnibus the barmy, Walk by the wall three times thinking I need the room of hidden things. When you get inside look for a vanishing cabinet behind you will find an ugly bust of a wizard on it you'll find the diadem of Rowena Ravenclaw, Destroy it with a fang from the snake. Make sure Dumbledore is out of the castle."

Severus looked at Harry. "Why destroy it its priceless?

Harry looked down. "It's a Horcrux, do you know what that is?

Snape was awed and frightened by the word. "You mean he made one?"

Harry had the most serious look Snape had ever seen. "He made seven; I destroyed the first in my second year. I know where they all are. We are collecting and destroying them. Two will be difficult. The snake, his familiar and Hufflepuff's Cup. It's in the Lestrange Vault in Gringgots. The last one I need your expertise, it's a two part potion one will kill me; the second will revive me quickly. That last Horcrux is me."

Severus Face turned white as a sheet. "Does the Dark Lord know?"

Harry looked at Snape, "He knows we share a connection from that night, he doesn't know why. When we get to the car I'll write out two potions you need to make the first will fake my death enough to expel the horcrux. The second will revive me. I'll explain the rest when I contact you. What ever you do keep Dumbledore out of it."

Snape looked at Harry. Just so you know I'm sorry fore the way I was forced to treat you. It will continue in public until we kill the dark Lord."

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