Chapter 4:Revelations

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As they slipped out of the unused class room, who should turn the corner ahead of them but Professor McGonagall with a surprised look on her face.

"I think you two should accompany to my office quickly!" The professor turned and urged them on. When they reached her office, she shoed them inside, motioned them to sit and began.

"You two, do realize you are glowing, just what have you been up too?"

Harry and Hermione sat gob smacked.

They spoke together at the same moment. "I thought it stopped?" It was a question and exclamation all in one.

McGonagall just looked exasperated. "A soul bond takes days to settle, and I don't think you'll want to be questioned on the train. You will also need to be in close contact for the next few weeks. I think we should go talk to your parents Hermione. I doubt Harry's relatives will even care."

Harry was smiling almost as brightly as Hermione. "I think we should let mine know not to meet me at Kings Cross….other wise there will be Hell for me to pay."

The professor looked at Harry incredulously. "What do you mean by that Mr. Potter?"

Harry had a look of loathing. "Let us just say, I need no more scars from them! I have enough!"

Harry had never been candid about his living situation, but this seemed beyond the pail. She asked, "what ever do you mean Mr. Potter, Albus told me you were well cared for and Happy at home?"

Harry was about to burst a very ugly bubble. "Well Albus Lied…I was starved…beaten…no more than a slave, in fact a Malfoy house elf has better treatment than me. Do you have a copy of my first Hogwarts letter its addressed Harry Potter, the cupboard under the stairs at number 4 privet Drive, Surrey. A four bedroom house for four people yet I was locked in a cupboard some times for weeks with no food or water. Many times with broken bones or bleeding. Is this a Happy home Professor? If you want proof I'll show you my back or pensive memories…if you think you can stomach them!"

Professor McGonagall was incensed; in all her years at Hogwarts she had never heard anything like this.

"Well Mr. Potter may I have the memories, do you know how to extract them?"

Harry Looked in her Eyes. "I'll show you my fifth year birthday present, if after that you can handle more I'll give you more."

Harry put his wand to his temple and extracted a long wisp of memory and dropped it in the provided vial.

The professor poured the memory in the pensive and immersed her self in the memory. Moments latter she immerged from the pensive and instantly conjured a bucket and empties the contents of her stomach.

After she regained her composure, and took a couple of calming breaths she got up the courage to ask in one word. "Why?"

Harry looked her in the eye with complete calm. "That was my fifth year Birthday present…punishments were worse."

The professor lost it and was in tears. With a shaky voice she intoned. "Never will you set foot in that house or with those people. I've failed you Harry…we all have. I will not fail you again. Go and get your things."

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