Chapter 5:Albus Confrontation

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The professor lost it and was in tears. With a shaky voice she intoned. "Never will you set foot in that house or with those people. I've failed you Harry…we all have. I will not fail you again. Go and get your things."

When they returned to the office of Professor McGonagall, Albus Dumbledore was waiting for them.

"Ahh, Harry come in my boy." Albus eyes were twinkling. "What is this I hear about you not returning home?"

Harry's Eyes rolled back; he looked at Albus with complete distain. "Sir, that place has never been nor will ever be home! It makes Azkaban Prison look like a luxury Vacation. The Dursley House is not my Home!"

At that moment the wards on number 4 Privet Dr. came crashing down.

Albus looked like he'd been shot. Harry had used the exactly correct words to negate the wards. But Albus had to try one more time.

"Harry they are your relatives….they love and want you home." Harry unbuttoned his shirt, took it off and turned his back to the head master.

"Is this how a family that loves you treats you Headmaster?" The vitriol in Harry's voice more than apparent; as the Head master quickly conjured a bucket and lost the contents of his stomach. It was quite some time before the old man could compose himself but Harry continued. "You knew about it too! You know Arebbella Figg…The Squib lady across the street…she sent you monthly reports…Why Albus WHY?"

For the first time in his memory Albus Dumbledore was caught, and at that moment it got worse, Hermione walked in. She had heard the last words Harry had spoken…saw the scars that riddled his back. The flesh was so eaten there was almost no flesh left just ugly scars. Hermione screamed. "You knew…You knew what those monsters did MY HARRY, and you did nothing….you allowed this and you still expect anyone to trust you. I never will again!" The anger pouring of Hermione was palpable. Suddenly Albus was thrown across the room, landed in a heap, out cold.

"Put your Shirt on Harry its time to go!" She cast feather light charms on there things and started walking out…when Harry took her arm. "We need one more thing Hermione, wait for me in the Great Hall, I'll be right behind you."

Harry left at a run to the headmaster's office, laid a hand on the Gargoyle guarding the entrance and it moved aside. He entered the Office and summoned the Sword of Gryffindor. Then he sprinted to the Great Hall. When Harry arrived He took Hermione's hand and they walked to the three broomsticks.

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