Chapter 16 Kreacher and locket

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Sirius just sat straighter. "Anything Harry you know that."

Harry grinned. "Call Kreacher, he needs to get us the locket Regulus told him to destroy."

Sirius reluctantly called Kreacher, and he arrived with a quite audible Pop.

"Nasty blood traitor master calls Kreacher, what would mistr...!

Sirius cut him off. "That's enough bile Kreacher. Did my brother give you a locket and order you to destroy it?"

Kreacher was dumb founded. "How does blood traitor master know this? Kreacher never told any one."

Harry broke in, "Kreacher, I know you couldn't destroy the locket. If you bring it here now, I will show you how and allow you to destroy it."

Kreacher popped away and was back moments latter, locket in hand. The three of them walked to the back yard of the house where a large tree stump awaited. Harry handed Kreacher the sword of Gryffindor.

"Now Kreacher, I'm going to open the locket. As soon as I do that you stab it with the sword. Got it?"

Kreacher shook his head and Sirius looked on in awe.

Harry spoke to the locket. "OPEN!"

The locket sprang open and the voice of Voldemort spoke to Kreacher.

"You are the greatest house elf Kreacher, Kill Harry Potter...Kill him now!"

Harry just said, "Stab it for Regulas!"

The sword came down on the locket and cleaved it in two. The black mist above it exploded out with a scream and the drifted away as it dissipated.

Harry looked down at the little old elf. "Thank you Kreacher from Regulas, Sirius, and me."

Kreacher looked into Harry's Eyes in wonder. "You thanks Kreacher, no one has ever thanked Kreacher." The little old elf said with tears in his eyes.

Harry came down to Kreacher's level and smiled. "You did a good job Kreacher....when you do such a good job you should be thanked."

Kreacher was in tears and gulped out, "Never has an elf had such a master."

Harry Smiled at Kreacher, "Sirius and I will always be such a master to a loyal elf such as yourself. We'll need more help soon too."

Kreacher suddenly looked younger stronger and stood straighter. "Kreacher would do anything youse ask!"

For the first time in his life Sirius Smiled at Kreacher.


Draco Malfoy, was not a happy camper. The Goblins Had sentenced him to the summer at hard labor, only because he was a minor. He was shoveling Dragon shit from the pens for the remainder of the summer. All that was on his mind was making the little monsters pay.

Hogwarts office of Deputy Headmistress

Minerva was ripping Albus apart. "I told you when you left Harry with those people, you were looking for trouble. The worst sort of Muggles imaginable. You expected a weak boy coming here; he had to be extremely strong and independent to survive it."

Albus just didn't get it. "He needs to be brought to heal, back to the light."

Minerva Looked at Albus like he lost his mind.

"That boy will never turn dark Albus; you are not the only arbiter of the light! He will make his own path as we all must. Now get out of here. I'll not be a helpen ye to subjugate that child!

Albus turned dejected, how had everything gone so wrong?

The Burrow

Ginny was talking to her mother over lunch; her brothers were playing quiditch outside.

"Mum, Harry still hasn't noticed me. You promised I'd him. Shouldn't the contract have started working by now?"

Molly looked out the window pensively. "Maybe we will have to help it along a bit, I'll make sure Harry and Hermione get the two extra tickets to the World Cup. We can slowly start adding a very small love potion to their meals, not much just enough to get them looking in the right direction, Like I did with your father. Heaven knows Ron will need a strong woman, I guess we'll have to dose him too."

Malfoy Manor

Mrs. Malfoy had not heard from Draco in three days. She was extremely worried, and was headed for the Auror office.

Department of Magical Law Enforcement

Office of Director

Amelia Bones

Mrs. Malfoy Barged directly into the Office of Amelia Bones looking like she would kill someone. "My son Draco has been missing for three day's, I want you to find him.

Amelia was enjoying this. The Malfoys had been the bane of her existence for years.

"Mrs. Malfoy, I'm sorry to inform you that your son Draco is in the hands of Goblin justice. He drew his wand on a teller in the bank and attempted to hex him. As such my Hands are tied. We received as per treaty notice of same not ten minutes ago. I was about to dispatch two aurors to inform you. He will be at hard labor until the beginning of the school year. Had he been an adult they would have beheaded him. I would advise you rein him in, you no longer have the money to get him out of trouble."

Narcissa was incensed. "What do you mean, we have millions."

Amelia just smiled. "Your husband was found to be a death eater, under the new ministry edict and with the new treaty with the goblins eighty percent of your wealth held by the Goblins will be divided sixty percent to the ministry to pay reparations to those injured or hurt in the last war or any subsequent attacks, Forty percent to the Goblins for handling the reparations. Then your son pulls a stupid at the bank. Along with his incarceration he was fined one million galleons you still owe the Goblins two hundred thousand. The only asset you have left is your home. If you plan to survive I'd say you better put it on the market soon."

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