Chapter 12 Dobby and Bonds

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Snape looked at Harry. "Just so you know I'm sorry fore the way I was forced to treat you. It will continue in public until we kill the dark Lord."

"I'll also be taking out his inner circle at the same time." Harry smiled. "And you're going to help!"

"But now I'll get you what you need and we must be on our way. This first one is very time sensitive."

They walked to the car. "Mr. and Mrs. Granger, I'm Severus Snape your daughter's potions master. She is the most brilliant potioner since Lilly Evans. Miss Granger speak, with Harry after I go. Harry the things we spoke of."

Harry and Snape spent about fifteen minutes by the hood of the car. Harry writing and doing things no one else understood. Then Snape left.

Harry got in the car, "We better go now."

They drove on three more hours until they found a small roadside motel. Harry got them three rooms for the night. They ate dinner in a small diner and went to bed early after Harry put the same wards on the motel Hermione had used on the original horcrux hunt. Unbeknown to us Snape had put an ever full charm on the petrol tank. Which the next day drove Dan crazy, we stopped nine times to fill up and the tank would take no more. We stopped the next night in Greater Hangleton. It would only be a twenty minute drive from there to our destination. This would be the first time since I returned that I would really anger Hermione.

We were sitting in the hotel room; they only had two so Hermione and I were sharing a two bed room, when I called for help I knew we would need. "Dobby!"

The little elf popped in the room smiling as if Christmas had come early.

"Harry Potter Calls for Dobby, how can Dobby help the great Harry Potter and his Grangy?"

Harry smiled at his little friend. "Come in and sit down Dobby, we have some questions to ask you."

Dobby looked around strangely. "Only the Great Harry Potter would ever ask an elf to sit down....Like an equal. What can Dobby be doing for his Harry Potter."

Harry still smiling, "Can you explain the Elf bond to Hermione and me, is their a reason you need it?"

Dobby gulped down hard and explained. "Harry Potter sir elves need the bond to live, we gets our magics from the family we is bound too. If we are not bound we die in a few years....the end is not pretty and then we fades away."

Harry looked a dobby, "Why did you want freed from the Malfoy's Then?"

Dobby looked up. "Bad masters, make Dobby do bad things, Dobby would rather Die!"

Hermione was crying a bit by now, and then I had one more question to ask him. "Are there different bonds that can be used?"

Dobby Smiled, "They being two bonds one is slave master bond, the other is the family bond it is being stronger and it helps us protect the family."

Here is the one that pissed off Hermione.

"Would you like to bond with Hermione?"

It was as if Mt. Vesuvius Had just erupted.

Hermione was off to the races. "Harry James Potter, I DO NOT NEED A HOUSE ELF ENSLAVED TO ME! YOU KNOW HOW I FEEL ABOUT THIS! Steam was almost coming out her ears.

Hermione, Listen we are not talking a slave bond, A family bond. Dobby would be as one of your family. He could wear clothes use money it's a love bond not slavery. It would also protect your parents. Should the death eaters come calling he would get them some where safe. Please listen to him."

Dobby burst into tears. "A family bond to a house elf is the most esteemed please Miss Grangy because I would also be Harry Potter's elf as soon as you complete your bond."

Hermione's brow furrowed, "What BOND?"

Poor Dobby almost fell of the bed. "Th..the S..Soul bond, Dobby can see it growing. It be's the Greatest of Loves, It gives powers that are wonderful.

Hermione, Scoffed, "And how do we seal it!"

Dobby was turning colors now. "It be True Loves Kiss!"

Harry and Hermione Looked at each other with wonder in their eyes. The draw that had always been there was suddenly undeniable. They moved closer and closer until they could feel each others breathing. Slowly their lips came together, gentle and sweet at first. The passion of true love built between them. The lights in the room flickered. The light encompassed the two growing stronger and stronger. Harry's Scar Burst open seeping a black tarry substance. Then a killing curse green mist rose from his forehead. When it finally broke free it screamed and dissipated.

Harry and Hermione continued the kiss. When air was finally a requirement they broke apart, but continued gazing in each others eyes. A frantic knock on the door broke the spell.

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