Chapter 10 The hunt begins

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Harry had convinced the Grangers not to return home, so the stayed in a posh hotel that night. The next morning Harry woke to a surprise, He had gotten a two bedroom suite at the hotel. None of them really noticed how nice the place was. Hermione's parents had one bedroom and Hermione the other, Harry was asleep on a pull out sofa in the common area. The surprise was he awoke with a mouth full of bushy brown hair, and the inability to move. Hermione had him wrapped her self around him so tightly it was impossible. The only problem was nature was really calling.

Harry gently tried to extract himself from her embrace, she only held on tighter. Harry Finally decided he had to wake her, and spoke just above a whisper. "Hermione, Please wake up." She shifted a little. "Five more minutes"

Harry had to move it was getting painful. "Hermione, Please let go I need the bathroom!" This time said in a full on normal tone. Hermione finally stirred and looked at Harry, kissed him briefly and looked in his eyes. "Morning Handsome!" Harry kissed Hermione on the forehead. "I love you Hermione, and waking up every morning to you is my ultimate goal in life, but right now I really really need the Bathroom!"

After one more quick squeeze Hermione released Harry, her thoughts were.

Did he just say what I think he did?

Then she squealed with delight that woke her parents. She was on her knees bouncing on the bed her Hair flying everywhere a smile that could light the darkest night. "He loves ME! He loves me! Harry, MY HARRY LOVES ME!

They could hear the sigh from Harry in the bathroom, a moment latter he came out seeing two parents looking at him with that parent look that says explain.

It was Emma that asked, "Did you just tell my daughter you love her?" I wasn't an accusing tone, it was that answer me now tone.

Harry stood looking intently at his shoes. "I I wasn't thinking, but yes I did." He said in a barely audible tone.

Emma just smiled. "At last! One of the two of you opened up!

I know she's been in love with you since before the troll incident."

Harry's eyes went straight to Hermione. "Why didn't you tell me?"

It was Hermione's turn to look down being shy. "Me the plain Jane little bookworm with bushy hair and beaver teeth....I thought you'd fall for some one like Ginny or Cho even Susan Bones....Why would you love me?"

Harry stared at her incredulously. "Why you, why you....The only one the sees me as me just Harry. The one who stands by me through thick and thin. Who watched me take on Old Moldy Shorts. The one that to me is the most beautiful girl in the world. Who is smarter than Dumbledore and McGonagall put together. I've knew I loved you since you were petrified second year, I thought I was no where near good enough for you. I thought I was just the useless freak."


She started crying and held on to Harry never intending to let go. His shirt was getting very wet. Hermione's Parents broke in again.

"Okay you two, get ready for breakfast, I believe we have a lot to do today." Dan turned back to the room he stayed in and got into the same clothes from the day before with Emma close behind him. Harry and Hermione got out fresh clothes from their trunks showered and readied themselves for the day.

Hermione transfigured Harry's clothes into something more fitting, and scorgified her parents clothing. When the reached the restaurant off the lobby, who do they see front and center but the Dursley's. Vernon complaining about the service, Petunia being her petulant self, and Dudley making Ron's eating habits look civilized.

Harry tried not to look at them, Hermione held her new wand just out of sight.

Dan looked at the Harry, "Just enjoy your breakfast dear, we have too much to do, and they just aren't worth it."

Harry looked at the slight smile of Mrs. Granger, "You're right lets just eat and get out of here."

Breakfast went smoothly after that, it was a half hour and they headed out paid the hotel bill and got in the car. Harry asked. "Mr. Granger this car will never work for what we need, do you know where a Range Rover dealer is close by?"

Dan looked over his shoulder. "Why would we need to go there?"

Harry just matter of factly said. "Some of the places we are going, we'll need a four wheel drive."

The rest of the ride to the dealership was uneventful. When they arrived Harry saw just the one he wanted prominently displayed in the middle of the show room floor. It was a British racing green Range Rover Discovery dressed out in black and chrome with a rack on top and sat higher than the rest. He walked over to the reception desk. "Can you get me a sales person over here please?"

The girl at the desk giggled and asked, "Aren't you just a bit young?"

Harry just smiled, "Well get a salesman over here and find out." Casting a mild confundous charm to get her to comply.

When the salesman arrived, Harry caught him first. "Where is your office, Sir?"

The salesman laughed it was a slow day so he would humor the boy. "This way young man, what can we interest you in today?"

It was Harry's turn to grin. "The green Discovery on the floor, cash deal, for the list price, I don't have time to haggle...get you have them get it ready while we do the paper work?" The salesman that was not much over 22, looked at Harry like he'd lost his mind. "It's the top of the line with a lot of added extras its 42,000 pounds." Harry reached in for his wallet took out some money and started counting. "Here is 45,000 If you can have it ready within the hour. My group is shopping for a few things next door, Have the ownership papers made out to Daniel Granger.

The salesman was floored and stood there with his mouth gaping like a fish. " will be ready." An hour latter Harry was standing with the keys to a laid out Range Rover. When the grangers pulled up loaded down with bags. Harry got them to put everything in the Ranger and looked to see if anyone was looking and shrunk the Grangers to the size of a toy and parked it under the seat. Mr. Granger stood there Gob smacked, even Hermione was amazed. "Harry, how did you do that?" Harry smiled, "Just simple shrinking and stasis charm, come on it's two days to Little Hangleton, and I need to teach you a couple of spells on the way."

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