Chapter 14 Getting Sirius

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Albus Dumbledore was not his usual self, no twinkling eyes or jovial manner. His eyes were hard, and he was all business. "Harry, where have you been?" Harry's eyes twinkling madly just jovially returned, "Perfectly Safe headmaster, why do you ask?"

Albus got tougher, "You are only safe with your relatives at home."

Harry then took on the same persona the headmaster was using. "Considering they no longer live in this country, you might be right. I guess I could go to a school in that country."

Albus was taken back. "What do you mean Harry?"

Harry laughed, "They are gone Albus, I removed your tracking charms, set an owl ward on them. Have fun finding them. Now if you will excuse me, I have important matters to take of. See you in September!"

Harry apperated away, leaving a very frustrated and angry Albus Dumbledore.

He landed just outside Hogsmead, in front of a cave where he knew Sirius was hold up before. Deep in the cave he found Buckbeak and Sirius in the form of Padfoot. With a few waves of his wand Buckbeak changed from a silver hippogriff to a black one with white tips on his wings. He bowed to Buckbeak and waited for it to be returned. Then lead the proud creature from the cave and set it free.

Padfoot was asleep; he levitated him out of the cave and called for Dobby. He had Dobby transport both himself and Padfoot, to Potter cottage where they were all staying. They just missed the arrival of Dumbledore.

Sirius woke the next morning in a warm comfortable environment. The room he was in was nicely decorated in soft muted blues the wood furniture all matched. There was a large four poster bed with clothes laid out for him, even though he was in a dog bed by the fire.

A note lay on the clothes, it read.


Get a bath and put fresh clothes on. When you're done the door will unlock. Then get your bony but down here for breakfast.


It took three full tubs of water for Sirius to finally eliminate the crud of Azkaban. Then he took a shower just to be sure. He dressed in the robes Harry had provided, and the door unlocked. He was then escorted to the kitchen by Dobby. The house wasn't big like most of the Potter properties. The eat in kitchen was just fine. It was all ready eleven in the morning. So Sirius was eating alone. He ate with gusto, but couldn't eat much. He was finally informed by Dobby that Harry and company would return around one, and he was to make himself comfortable.

Harry and the Grangers were in Knockturn Alley getting Hermione's parents their first wands. It was then training them would begin in earnest.

They left the Knockturn with glamour's in place. When about to turn onto Diagon Alley, they heard a series of pops, Harry pushed the others back against the building. Death Eaters were in the Alley firing spells at anything that moved. Harry told the grangers to stay put and disillusioned them. Then did so himself and headed into the alley. He saw the long blond Hair and knew who it belonged to. He hit Lucius with a sectumsempra cutting off his wand arm, and cutting deeply into his right side. McNair was next, a simple reducto to the head dispatched him. Then Crabbe and Goyle Sr. were easy to spot. He levitated them, while disarming them and dropped them from over a hundred feet. Harry pocketed their wands and kept going. The other Death eaters seeing this was route retreated leaving the dead and injured behind. Harry quickly. The Aurors arrived seconds latter.

Harry made his way back to the Grangers turning to Hermione he asked, "Did you bring the time turner?" She shook her head yes, Harry responded back one hour." Hermione extended the chain around the group, one quick turn counterclockwise and they were back an hour. They sat and got an ice cream from Florien Fortesques then went to Flourish and Blots; they bought a few books and came out just after the fight.

Auror Dawlish Walked up to Harry, "Were you involved in this Mr. Potter?"

Harry sneered at the Dawlish, "What would make you think I had anything to do with a Death Eater Attack?"

Dawlish extended his hand, "Your Wand!"

Harry Held out his Holly and phoenix feather wand. Dawlish took it and performed the priori incantatem. "Nothing but School spells!" Spouted the angry Auror. Harry grinned, "My wand Sir." As he held out his hand. Dawlish Looked at Harry. "I know you did this Potter!"

Harry Laughed. "I have not even begun my fourth year, and you think I took out all these experienced Death Eaters. Thank You for the undeserved praise Sir!" Harry laughed. "If you go and check I was paying for our books during the whole fight. I did see some of it though. The spells that hit the death eaters seemed to come from nowhere. I'm sure I'm not the only witness?"

Dawlish was incensed. "You seem mighty smug about this; don't these deaths and injuries bother you?"

Harry got the look he gave while fighting the death eaters. "Sir, these are rapists, Murders and thieves, I'm sure some of them were involved in the death of my parents. They are not human beings. They are rabid dogs that need to be put down before they infect, kill, or hurt anyone else with their horrid bigotry. Who ever put them down deserves our thanks, for the lives he or she saved today."

A reporter standing close by chipped in. "May I quote you on that Lord Potter?"

Harry turned around. "You most certainly May." You may add this also. "Our world has to long used the status of so called blood purity, To decide who is best....That is wrong!

We need to find the brightest smartest people regardless of blood status. As far as I'm concerned Blood is blood it is all red."

Letters not mailedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora