what was that

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Trevor got up and looked through the peep hole. he ran over grabbed my hand and dragged me up the stairs. we ran into a bedroom and got under a bed.I opened my mouth to ask who that was there but I covered my mouth with his hand

I bit his hand. he gave me a death glare. I heard the front door open and close. we heard footsteps. I looked at Trevor. he looked like he just crapped himself. if this was any other time I would laugh my but off. but now is no time to laugh.the footsteps got closer. I closed my eyed and crossed my fingers.

when I finally opened my eyes I saw the masked face staring at me. I screamed. trevor looked. he screamed to. we crawled out from under the bed. I kicked the masked face out of my way. she fell over. we made a run for it. we ran right down the stairs and out the front door. when we reached my school I ran to the doors. they were locked. I ran to a window and broke it. we crawled in. on my way in glass cut me. it was gushing blood. I walked to the nurses office. I opened the door and found where she kept the band aides. I grabbed injury tape and wrapped my leg to try to stop the bleeding. then I put band aides on it. then we walked to the cafeteria. i know where the cooks keep the snacks so I went and got some. I found gold fish and animal crackers and cheese it's. I grabbed us some milk cartons and we sat down at a table. we ate and drank in silence. "I'll be right back on gonna go to the bathroom" i said. I got up and went to the bathroom. when I got back trevor was asleep. wow he fell asleep quickly. I walked around trying to find anything to use as a weapon. I found a broom and broke it. I sharpened it on the floor. then I found a huge knife in the kitchen.

when Trevor woke up I showed him the weapons. he went to find more while I slept. when I woke up I looked at the time. we still have 8 hours to go. I groaned. what will I do when it's over? i have no parents. i found Trevor and we walked to my classroom. sitting at a desk was........

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