why me

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we walked until morning. my feet were starting to hurt. we decided to take a break. we all searched our pockets for money to buy food and drinks. I pulled out a five dollar bill. they all pulled out a few ones. now we can eat and get a drink since its really hot. we walked to the nearest fast food place which happens to be McDonald's. we all groaned and walked in.

the ait conditioning felt nice though, we all got waters, and a medium fry each. we ate and drank. before we left we fillies our cups with more water. then we started walking again. Amanda started complaining five minute after we started walking. Austin stayed dead silent. garett devan, and Trevor are talking about.sports.

Jake and I were occasionally talking to each other.things have been kinda crazy since the purge ended. but I heard that there is going to be another purge soon. so I don't know how that's going to turn out. we may not even survive the second one. i hear its in two days. we have nothing to fight with. but I don't understand why the masked people follow us.

it's just very creepy and scary if you ask me. just then the road ended. it just came to a complete stop which is weird. we have no choice but to turn around. we walked and walked. and talked and talked. Trevor grabbed my hand. "how come you never hold my hand" complained Amanda to Austin.

he grabbed her hand. "I'm tired, my feet hurt, can't we stop, how come nobody's talking to me, someone else carry my cup, someone carry me," she complained. I groaned. "Amanda please stop talking" i said. she scoffed but stopped. then nobody talked. we just kept walking until dark.

we decided to stop and sleep in a park. we layed down and fell asleep. when we woke up, we Hit the road again. tomorrow is another purge. you'd think they would wait a little bit longer jeez.

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