Hellooooooooo cutie

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we decided to leave hyvee. we were just walking to no place certain. we walked into Casey's. I found a boy behind the counter.

he was also my age. he held his hands up. "were not gonna hurt you" i said. he slowly lowered them.

he has curly black hair and is actually attractive. "I'm jake" he said. "I'm Sarah this is my boyfriend Trevor, my best friend Amanda, my three brothers Austin garett and devan" i said pointing at everybody. when I said boyfriend he looked disappointed. I sat next to him.

I guess we were to close for trevors liking cuz he looked like he was going to kill Jake. I noticed that Jake has sparkling green eyes. but Trevor only has plain brown ones.

Jake and I got to know each other a little better. I don't know if I like Jake more then Trevor. Jake is a little better looking but does he have the traits?

I've decided that I'm gonna trip and hit my head and whoever helps me the most gets me. i acted like I was walking and I purposely tripped. i hit my head. well I faked hit my head. I closed my eyes.

someone was next to me. i peaked my eyes open. it was Jake! why the heck isn't my boyfriend next to me. well at least Jake cares. I pretended to be in pain. I opened my eyes. his eyes were full of concern. i got up and walked over to Trevor.

he looked scared. "wow your pathetic! your my boyfriend and you weren't there for me but Jake was were over!" I screamed. "but ba-" he tried saying but I cut him off. "save it I don't wanna here it" i said.

I walked away and sat down. Jake followed and sat next to me. he put his arm around me. "it will be okay" he said. I nodded. "I have a secret" i said. "what it is" he asked. "only my family knows this but my secret is............

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