Power Struggle

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When I woke up the morning after letting the lionvayne have his way with me I was so sore, just sitting up and trying to walk was too much. If I lay in bed all day Mama would fuss over me and think me sick for sure but I just wanted to go back to bed. I did for awhile but eventually I had to rise. No one bothered me, probably Vella's doing. I went through my dresses until I found one that covered the bite marks fully. The only one not fully covered was the one on the back of my neck. That was hidden by my hair. I was happy to have such thick, long hair today. Normally it was a burden to care for and carry around.

Though I hurt when I moved curiously it did not make me think about the pain. I thought of Kall on top of me each time it ached and throbbed anywhere. Soon I wanted to run to him and let him have me in open daylight, if only. Even as my slave he wouldn't be able to do much touching. Clinging to my thigh seemed to be barely acceptable. His fingers reaching under my skirt could easily get him killed.

Could I tame the thing down in the courtyard? He was so wild and undomesticated like an element of earth that could become the trees and silence and ultimately invisible. He was a rare creature and if I had any ideas of keeping him for myself I would have to break my champion, or least let everyone think he's beaten down.

I decided to go see how Zick was doing today. Maybe a walk to the barn would help. I felt no better when I reached the great barn and found Dannale working on harnesses. He smiled gently. Handsome stable master. Older, more experienced. I now realized what I'd missed with some advances. At my age, unmarried it was not looked favorably upon to already be fornicating with one let alone more than one man though.

"Princess?" He questioned my blank stare.

"Sorry, I just wanted to see Zick." I looked up at the big blue reptile who seemed to enjoy spending more time inside with Dannale lately. Zick grumbled and dropped a heavy bone from his mouth. I laughed and bent to pick it up. As my fingers curled around the bone I heard a small gasp behind me.

"Demian what have you done?!" He exclaimed. My hair had fallen to the side as I bent to retrieve the bone. He saw the bite. What could I say?

I turned to face him and knew my face blazed with crimson. "Dannale, some things are better kept secret...I beg you, please." I said softly. He looked a little crushed. I felt cruel. The stable master had wanted me for a year now and I had giggled it away, then this creature comes and I run into his arms. I understood the men and their hungry half hollow eyes now. I understood what they envisioned in their heads now.

"Demian, you really...with. Fuck I can't even say it Princess! The beast chewed on you like an animal, does that not say it all? Yet I was not good enough for you!" He said in frustration.

I looked down. "Dannale...I'm sorry. It had nothing to do with not being good enough for me, I've always found you handsome but I see you as a friend and I wanted a challenge." He looked up at me, his eyes not so blue as Kall's but holding a steady unsettling gaze well.

"That is a challenge Demian? All due respect you walked down there and gave yourself to it. What challenge is there in that?!" He snapped a little. I nodded soberly, I wanted to cry in shame.

"It was a challenge because he is such a dangerous creature. I felt so much because of my fear." I tried to explain.

Dannale regarded me quietly but his face was dismal. He looked up at the rafters high above us. Slowly his face slid down to hold my gaze again. "Demian I would take a whip to you like a dragon or a horse and properly civilize you if you weren't the princess." He said dryly. I stared at the floor and tears ran silently down my face, just a few.

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