Savage Company

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One cloudy afternoon as we all sat laughing and sipping wine one of my uncle's men came in looking tired and cleared his throat, waiting for attention.

"Yes Clay, what's wrong?" Barlock said looking up at the young man. Clay brushed his shaggy blond hair out of his face and bowed.

"My lord there is a fairly large group of lionvayne on our land, approaching the castle steadily." He replied. Barlock looked at Kall then me.

"Are you expecting anyone?" He asked.

"No sire but my brother could be back." Kall answered. Barlock looked to Clay.

"Send someone to meet them and find out what they want and who they are." He ordered. Clay nodded then bowed and took his leave.

I turned to Kall. "I hope it is Annos I know you would love to have him back." I said with a smile.

Some time later the young Clay returned with news. The nervous look on his face was not encouraging. "My lord several of the lionvayne are asking to see Sir Kall." He replied. Barlock nodded.

"Is it his brother?" He asked.

"Yes sire...and Sir Kall's mate. She called me little boy and was rather rude and aggressive." Clay replied with a very uncomfortable glance at me. Kall stood with a slightly horror stricken look on his face. I slowly took a deep breath then sighed hard.

Gyanna and Barlock looked at Kall and I. "Forgive me for prying dear but no one mentioned that your future husband already had a wife." She said concerned. Kall looked down for a moment then cleared his throat and straightened up.

"My one surviving mate fled during the war...I had no idea if she was alive or where she was. I told my brother if he found her he could claim her. I know it sounds cold but this is how lionvayne work. Obviously she has not accepted this arrangement so well. She was always rather stubborn and dominate." He explained.

Gyanna nodded. "How many mates did you have Sir Kall?" She asked softly.

"Three my lady." He replied. She considered this for a moment.

"Sir Kall, do you intend to have other mates in the future?" She asked. Kall took my hand without looking.

"No my lady. Demian is all I need to be happy." He replied. Gyanna smiled and bowed her head.

I pulled my hand from Kall's and began to head towards the hall. "My lioness, where are you going?" Kall asked. I smiled with a hard breath.

"To change into trousers and a tunic, if I have to fight a lionvayne I do not want to do it in a dress." I explained. His eyes widened.

"My queen, you cannot fight her. She would rip you apart." He said in a higher, worried voice. I smirked at him.

"Kall I appreciate the danger and your concern but I would be prepared in any case. Formally I have not had combat training but I was always around the soldiers, they taught me well. I am quite good with any weapon in fact. If she thinks she can come and just take my lion from me she is sadly mistaken." I stated firmly.

He gave me a surprised look. "She could never take me from you. She is an animal and you are my bride." He replied.

"An animal, you speak of your own kind Sir Kall." Said Barlock, slightly appalled. Kall nodded at him.

"I do my lord and while I agree that we are not beasts so much as people there are some of us who are less human than others. Maya is a beast." He explained.

Demian's KallWhere stories live. Discover now