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"No! See you're never going to free me, I am your pet." Kall growled, backing up.

"It tells them how willing you are to obey me Kall. It's for show." I held the collar out to him and waited. His eyes held mine for moments that stretched out long. He wanted to argue but the desire to be allowed more freedom was compelling. Day by day he pushed the boundaries looking for a little more. He finally took the collar and put it on.

It seemed like he lost his fire with it on. It was thick black leather with a metal band centered around the middle. The band was very well worked, carved with roses. I slid the lock through rings where the band closed, buckles lain under. Without my key he was collared. I'd almost used a heavy heart shaped lock but it seemed too obvious. The smaller round one would do. The key went around my neck. He could wear clothes and act like a good boy for the evening. Father didn't really realize my slave liked to run around nude in his territory at least at night. He was always naked if it was dark.

I'd proven he could behave, no one save Vella and Dannale knew what I'd really wanted him for. Tonight I was taking him to the hall for a dinner. It was the first time I'd been allowed to bring him to a larger gathering. It wasn't a huge party but a chance for trouble.

I looked him over one last time. He looked amazing. He picked out black leather trousers from what I let him choose and I picked out a plain white tunic. His smoked gold mane was shiny and brushed and hung thick around his shoulders, framing his face. He was a vision of bestial elegance.

I growled softly and pulled him in to bite his neck hard. He sighed a little. "Go...or a leash could provide some encouragement." I teased, smiling.

"I will go if you kiss me." He sighed against my ear. I thrilled at his deep voice coming into its full dominance again. He'd learned to love kissing.

I pulled him into a kiss and our mouths played their little seduction game. His body pressed against me firmly. "I'm all alone with you in your bedroom, it smells like rolling in you. You're in every piece of fur or wood here. I want you." He whispered.

"Not now, you can't. I shouldn't even have you in here this way. Father would not approve." I sighed. "

Yes my queen." He replied, licking my neck. He wanted to badly though. He would cling to me like a hungry animal all night now. The men gave him glances all the time. Either frowns of disapproval or challenging looks. He got them more the more he touched me.

"Let's go." I said. He nodded and pulled reluctantly away from me. He followed me obediently as I wandered my way to the hall. It was fairly quiet when we entered. Kall gave no one eye contact, he silently curled at my feet and snuggled his face against my knee when I took my seat. I sat at the table instead of far back in my little princess throne. Kall would very lightly touch my ankle or just above every so often. I petted his hair absentmindedly. I loved its soft, slick feel and the gold shine over the black. It was so beautiful.

My father grew to like the beast's protectiveness towards me but he failed to see the man with his hand under my skirt. Kall acted as if my assumed virtue was as much his duty to protect as my life. He did not want the king to know he'd taken it any more than I. My life was safe none the less. From other's...he occasionally mauled me. The men grew restless with him already. They saw my loving gaze on him, my hand at his neck and they were disgusted and jealous.

Alec Fawn tossed his own, thinner black mane back over his shoulders. "Why does the beast get to drool in your lap all day?" He snipped. My father sat up. Taking his hand from under his chin. I glared at Alec.

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