Tying the Knot

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A few of the lionvayne set out to find the other prides in the area but the rest stayed on the castle grounds waiting for us to journey home. My aunt Gyanna was determined to have a grand wedding for me but I didn't care for such. I just wanted a quiet ceremony. All that mattered to me was saying the words and exchanging the rings. Since my family would not be here I saw no reason to have a huge wedding.

We finally agreed on a small wedding. She, Raylin and my uncle would attend of course and any lionvayne who wished to be there. They did not have weddings though so not many were interested. Kall said I was his, that made me his mate in their eyes already.

When I was finally in my wedding dress with my hair pulled up in curls decorated with flowers and jeweled pins the reality and weight of it all hit me. My aunt hugged me and gave me a soft, sympathetic smile.

"Demian, sweetheart don't cry. This is what you want right?" She said. I looked down at my body in the white and gold corseted dress, my breasts practically spilling out the top. I felt suffocated.

"Yes I do, I really do but I'm nervous and my stomach hurts. What if he doesn't love me forever? What if we get married and a few years from now he wants a second lioness because he grew bored with me." I asked. I hated how vulnerable and uncertain I sounded. She tilted her head and her sympathetic look deepened.

"Demian...I've seen the way that man looks at you. He thinks you fell straight from heaven. Your love is so strong you made him enjoy being human just as you have enjoyed being a lioness." She replied.

I smiled at her, wiping my eyes. "Thank you aunt Gyanna." I said, hugging her.

"Rather obvious you have thoroughly enjoyed being a lioness." She said, touching a bite scar at the base of my neck and laughing softly. I giggled, sniffing back my emotions.

"He has some scars from my whip as well. We marked each other with our passions." I agreed.

Gyanna broke very slowly into a wicked grin. "Is a whip a standard part of your...passions?" She asked. I blushed.

"It was dominance at first but Kall seems aroused by it." I replied.

"What a lovely beast you found." She exclaimed softly. Fanning herself with her hand as though she was very hot. I laughed and nudged her.

Someone tapped at the door and Gyanna called for them to come in. A guard nodded politely at us. "My lady...my lady. Your groom is waiting for you, impatiently." He said. I nodded and he left. Gyanna smiled at me.

"Come now stop shaking and go to your husband." She ordered. I took a deep breath and started for the door.

Out in the hall my uncle met me. He held out an arm and gave me a big proud smile. "Since your father is not here I would be glad to escort you." He said. I smiled up at him and hooked my arm through his.

"Thank you uncle Barlock. Considering you saved my life I am sure my father would agree you deserve the right."

As we entered the hall my eyes fell on Kall and all my fear and tension just floated away. He was dressed in gleaming steel armor over deep green velvet and tight black leather. His hair pulled tightly back in a low ponytail tied with a wide green satin ribbon. He even wore a polished sword on his hip.

The breastplate, gauntlets and greaves that he wore were engraved heavily with beautiful flowing designs and trimmed in gold. I noticed it did not bare my father's insignia nor that of my uncle. Instead a roaring lion's face graced the breastplate. As he turned to look at a nearby guard I caught sight of a pair of angel wings engraved down the back. My heart swelled with love and admiration as I looked at my sweet lion.

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