Heartache Returns

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We very much enjoyed our time with my aunt and uncle. Weeks turned into months and we didn't even discuss when we might return home. Some nights we spent down in the lionvayne camp and others we sequestered ourselves in our room for personal time together.

Two of the lionvayne who had gone off looking for their people had returned already bringing three prides with them. The camp of nineteen had grown to forty seven. With them came the surviving child of Kall's best friend Sanja. A little boy of barely three named Zane, who had huge grey eyes and an unruly fluff of rusty blond hair. He ran to Kall the moment he saw him and there after followed him like a little shadow. A few times he even cried until Annos brought him to us where he would crawl into our bed and snore like a tiny bear with his thumb in his mouth. Kall didn't mind it made him miss his son less. It was a joyous time for us all.

Joy as I had learned was never a constant however and as was tradition bad news came in the form of a tired, sweaty soldier bursting in on a relaxed meal to tell us things we did not want to hear.

"Princess Demian. I regret to inform you that your father's castle has been stormed. The king of Dolwak has become allies with the king of Winter Moon. They were practically at our gates by the time we knew they were there. Prince Alexander has taken your father's throne." He explained. I felt the hot wet tears run down my face but I was not crying. I was frozen like stone with fear for my family and loved ones.

I couldn't speak, I couldn't breathe. Kall took my hand and he was shaking lightly. "What of my brother and his wife?" Asked Gyanna in a tight voice. The soldier glanced at me then back at Gyanna.

"King Reynard was captured...and executed. Queen Joanna was being held prisoner...in Alexander's chambers." He replied.

"No...my father." My voice trailed away into a breath I could barely force out.

Kall gripped my hand tighter, steadily shaking harder. "They killed...my father. They killed him." I cried. Kall wrapped an arm around me as I struggled to breathe.

"I'm so sorry Demian." Said Kall softly. He was barely holding back his own sorrow. I snapped my head up and looked at him.

"He has my mother...he's taken my mother as a slave. A fucking slave!" I yelled, clenching my fists.

I felt white hot rage welling up inside me, eating away horror and replacing it with a stinging venom of hatred. "What about the others? Alec Fawn, my chamber maid Vella? My father's men?" I asked, my teeth clenched with anger. The soldier bowed very shallowly.

"Alec Fawn and the maid Vella are alive as are many of the servants. They kept their mouths shut and their heads down and the prince has let them continue on with their duties. A great many of the men were killed defending the keep I am not sure who has survived and who has not." He replied softly. He sank into a chair and a servant handed him some bread and cheese with a tankard of ale.

I looked at Kall and he gave me a sad frown. "We must go home." I said.

"My lioness, what would we do?" He asked softly.

"We will fight, we will take back the throne and execute Alexander." I stated angrily. Kall tilted his head and his expression was sympathetic and worried.

"Demian, you cannot ride into battle with a handful of lionvayne and two dozen soldiers." My aunt said through her tears. I blinked at her, slowly shaking my head.

"Aunt Gyanna I cannot just sit and let everyone die or be enslaved. I must do something. Not only have they killed father and taken the throne the prince has my mother. God only knows what he is doing to her." I argued.

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