Love and Glory

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I watched Kall hugging his brother and my heart felt heavy. I knew he wanted his brother to stay with him but Annos wanted to find his wives and children. When they finally let go of each other Annos turned to me and opened his arms. I could barely get my arms around his thick torso. He hugged me tightly then licked my cheek making me giggle.

"Take care of my baby brother." He said softly.

"I will. I promise. You are always welcome to see your brother Annos. Your family can come too, we have much room on our land and my father has come to see what assets lionvayne can be when you have their loyalty." I replied then I kissed his cheek and he released me.

Kall held my hand very tightly as he watched his brother step up into a carriage and disappear down the road. When he turned to me his eyes were moist and his expression sad. "You will see him again." I assured him. I believed he would.

We went to our room and I held him as he took out his sadness on my body. I cried in pain but I did not stop him when he bit and clawed at me. Blood decorated the bedding like little red flowers when it was over. Then he curled up against me and lay his head on my chest like he was small and frightened.

"What if he never comes back?" He whispered.

"You still have me." I reminded him. He cuddled tighter against me.

"I do and I am so grateful but I want my brother too. I smelled his scent every night of my life until the war. Sleeping with both of you close to me was like being home again." He said, his voice low and emotional.

"You will have your brother back my lion...I promise. Even if we have to send someone to find him and bring him home. Now that father has seen the truth we will surround our land with your kind if it pleases you." I replied.

"I'm not used to getting what pleases me often...except for you of course."

"Kall you do realize you're going to be a prince soon and eventually king." I reminded him.

"Yes but I never had a desire to rule beyond my own pride." He replied. I laughed as I stroked his hair.

"I will rule you will just enjoy being royalty." I replied.

There was a knock at our door and I called out to wait for a moment as I pulled on my dress. "Enter!" I called. The door opened and my aunt Gyanna walked in smiling at me. Kall still lay in bed but he was covered up to his chest. She gave him a smile and a soft bow.

"Demian, Kall...would the two of you like to join us at the arena this evening?" She asked. I looked to Kall.

"A public event, is that wise?" He asked. Gyanna giggled and then smiled brightly at him.

"This is our land and here you and Demian are free to be together. You will find there are many citizens in our land who are not human, though we have few lionvayne out this way. All kinds are accepted in the lands close to our castle...provided they behave accordingly." She explained. I looked at Kall.

"Would you like to go? Have you ever even been to a public arena?" I asked. He seemed to think about it for a moment.

"I have not, it sounds like it could be quite a nice change of pace from being stuck inside one castle or another." He replied with a grin.

Gyanna clapped her hands together very lightly. "Splendid. Be ready in the hour there is something I would like to address before we leave. When you are dressed come to the throne room please." She instructed. She then swept out of the room leaving Kall and I to wonder.

Demian's Kallजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें