Slipping Away

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"Demian, little bird...please wake up." Kall's voice came to me as if in a dream. I slowly opened my eyes and looked up at his worried face. His fingers gently rustling in my hair.

"Let me sleep." I groaned.

"No, come now little one. You need food and medicine." Urged Annos. I whined my complaints but Kall gathered me up in his arms and carried me from the carriage to the fireside, setting me gently down on a bearskin. Annos handed me a steaming tankard of dark herbal tea and I shivered with my hands wrapped around the warmth of the cup.

"I would much rather just sleep." I complained again.

"Demian, my have been sleeping most of the last two days. Your body needs sustenance. You are not well, your fever is worse." Kall stated firmly. He touched my face lightly then bent to kiss my forehead. Annos handed me a warm piece of bread and I sighed.

By the time I finished the tea and most of the chunk of bread I was a little scared, I felt so faint and shaky. I reached to sit down the tankard and just kept falling forward, unable to right myself. Kall caught me and held me tightly. "Let's get back on the road!" He shouted at the men all around us.

"When we finish our beer and bread." Grumbled a soldier nearby.

"Now!" Roared Kall loudly, hurting my ears a little. No one argued this time, they began packing up things and getting us back on the road.

Kall told me there was to be no more stopping until we reached my aunt Gyanna's castle. I was sweaty and sick when I did wake and Kall or his brother was always at my side. I was less and less aware of what was going on around me as time passed. The last thing I remembered thinking was that it was unfair that I was so in love with Kall and because of what Dannale did I was going to die before I could even marry him.

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