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Each day I had to wait was torture but my uncle finally received word that an army would be sent. They would meet us along the way because if they came to the castle it would take too long. It was a shorter, more direct path straight to my keep.

When at last we were within view of my castle I sat, dressed in armor astride a big black horse that pawed the ground and made noises as if he were anxious to go. I watched the men ahead and wondered how many was I sending to their deaths. They had been accompanied by four massive red siege dragons and I could hear them breaking down the gates, roaring ferociously and spitting fire.

Kall rode up next to me and gave me a soft look of trepidation. "My wife looks like a warrior." He commented with a smirk.

"Let us hope I am." I replied dryly. I had forgone a helmet to wear my crown and Kall not having one yet simply braided his hair back, starting at each side of his head and merging into one thick braid down his back. Annos did not ride with us. Kall refused to allow it. He said no matter what one of them must live to pass on the Death Eater title. A title he said had been won with blood and power that he did not want to have lost to time.

He nodded and then looked behind us at the gathering lionvayne. One more group of them had arrived in time to join. Sixty three male lionvayne with combat training had pledged their service. I would wait until a fairly decent path had been cut into the castle grounds and then the lionvayne and I would ride in to get my mother and kill the usurper king and his bastard prince. The king of Dolwak would have to wait as he did not join in the battle here. He funded and provided men but he stayed safe in his fortress surrounded by his evil oracles and henchmen.

I had a secret weapon, my nephew Raylin. He was no better a soldier than the rest outside where fires raged around us everywhere, lighting up the night. Once we made it into the castle however he could take to shadow and slip past every guard and soldier in our way to capture the king...or his son.

A soldier approached me with a bow, holding my prancing steed still so he could speak with me. "My lady. The gates have been breached. Ready your men." He informed me.

I raised my arm and signaled the men who were watching. The call was sent out and the lionvayne swiftly fell into line, ready to charge in with me. Roars and cheers rang out and my nephew rode up to join Kall and I.

"Where have you been?" I asked Raylin. He blushed lightly and glanced back at the crowd. I followed his gaze to a tall very handsome lionvayne man on a red horse. Pale eyes peered through a dark wavy mane and a soft smirk played across his face.

"I was just talking to someone." Stated Raylin as he brought his gaze back to my face. I shook my head and cleared my throat.

"You know what cousin, it is none of my business." I replied with a chuckle. He smiled softly and dipped his head.

"Are we ready?" I asked the two men at my flanks.

"As ready as one can be." Stated Kall.

"I was ready a week ago." Replied Raylin. I signaled to our men and we charged forward.

We reached the gates with little interference but once past them men split off from the fighting to attack us. My first kill was a man with a large ax who swung not at me but at my horse's face. I yanked my steeds head to the side causing him to miss and drove my sword through the man's throat. His weight nearly pulled me from the saddle as he fell but I held tight and let my blade slide from his neck as he crumpled. Raylin blocked another from reaching me as I regained my stance.

A soldier ducked Kall and sprinted up and off of a dead horse to spring towards me but an arrow connected with him and he hit the dirt and slid. I looked the direction the arrow had come from and a young lionvayne tipped his bow at me. I gave him a quick nod of thanks.

Demian's KallOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora