•Chapter 3•

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The Hand That Rocks The Mabel

*Priya's POV*

The twins, Soos, and I were all  lounging around in the living room, watching an amazing show called, Tiger Fist. Soos was lounging on the couch with Dipper while I was laying on the floor on my back, Mabel laying on top of my stomach.

"The tiger was badly injured. So we repaired it.... With a fist!" The TV narrator says. There was a picture of a tiger with a fist connected to its face as it runs around while roaring.

"Woohoo alright!" We all cheer happily as the fist connected to the tiger punches itself in the face. Then a title appears stating, "Tiger Fist! We will return after these messages."

"Hey it's that commercial I was talking about." Soos informs us as a commercial appears on the screen.

"Are you completely miserable?" The TV narrator ask as a video appears of a man crying on a bed saying 'yes'.

Wow...going off to a fresh start here.

"Then you need to meet...Gideon." The TV narrator says while whispering the name 'Gideon'.

"Gideon?" Dipper questions.

"Who's Gideon?" I question as well as I place my arms on Mabel's back.

"He's a physic." The TV narrator explains.

"Aroo?" Mabel questions while tilting her head in interest.

"So don't be that man of mystery." The narrator says as a video appears of Grunkle Stan coming out from a portable toilet wth a toilet paper stuck on his foot.

"Learn about tomorrow, tonight! At Gideon's tent of telepathy!" The narrator finishes as it shows the blue tent where the so called Gideon is at.

"Wow! I'm getting all curiousy inside!" Mabel happily says, eyes twinkling in curiosity.

"Well don't get too curiousy." Grunkle Stan tells us as he was walking in. He takes off his coat and places it on the coat rack near the door.

"Ever since that monster came into town he's been nothing but trouble." Stan adds on, a sour look on his face.

"Well is he really a physic?" Mabel asks as she stands up while I take a deep breath, feeling no more weight on my stomach. I sit up and stretch a little, tucking my hair back behind my ears.

"I think we should go find out. It's something for us to do." I announce while I stand up as well.

"Never! You are forbidden to patriotnising the competition! No one that lives under my roof is allowed under Gideon's roof!" Grunkle Stan says while glaring at us.

"Wait....Do tents have roofs?" I question while furrowing my eyebrows.

"I think we just found our loop hole. Literally." Mabel says as she holds out a string that was knotted as a loop. "Wop! Wop!"

"Mabel you're so funny." I giggle lightly.

"I know I am!" Mabel happily says. We all look over at the TV to see that the commercial was still on as the narrator says two last phrases that made me shiver.

"So come on down. Gideon is expecting you."

*time skip*

The twins, Soos and I all made our way down to the tent where the so called 'physic' is. We all sit down in the front row from the stage ready for Gideon to come out. My eyes skim around the room when I suddenly feel like someone was watching me. I look around the room again but didn't find anyone staring in my direction.

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