•Chapter 17•

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(I'm honestly so excited about writing this chapter!)

Not What He Seems

*Priya's POV*

I open my eyes slowly to see another sunny, summer morning. The twins were still asleep in their beds while I slowly sit up and stretch, humming in satisfaction. I quietly hop off my bed as I crouch down and push the bed aside to reveal the little door where my amulet is.

For some reason, I keep having this nagging feeling that something terrible is going to happen today. I told Bill last night about it in the Mindscape but he said not to worry about it. I sigh at the thought and reached down to grab hold of the amulet, examining the beautiful blue crystal.

I have been thinking about it and I was wondering if I should tell the twins about my amulet. I don't want them to get hurt but I think it's the right thing to do to tell them.

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard a yawn from above me. I look up to notice the twins sitting up and rubbing their eyes.

"Morning guys." I smile warmly at them. They smile back as they both say 'good morning'.

"Is there something wrong Priya? And what are you holding there?" Dipper ask me, pointing at the amulet in my hands. I clutch the object tightly, feeling a sense of calmness with it as I sigh deeply.

"Sit down on my bed guys." I tell them as I sit on my bed, holding my amulet. They sit down next to me as they look at me with concern, making me bite my lip.

Here goes nothing.

"Okay, guys I don't know how I'm really gonna explain this but when I went on my first date with Bill, I have discovered this amulet." I explain to them as I hold it out. The twins move closer and inspect the amulet, mouths gaping from amazement.

"Woah....Priya this is beautiful!" Mabel awes, eyes twinkling.

"Yeah it is, but I haven't worn it yet. I don't know why but it's just I have this weird feeling that I should not wear it but I also feel like I should. Does that make any sense?" I ask the twins, making them nod while Dipper chuckles lightly.

"I have one question though....why haven't you told me and Dipper when you first got it?" Mabel ask with hurt in her voice, making me feel guilty.

"I'm sorry guys, I really am. It's just, I don't want you guys to get hurt. I don't know what this amulet means, or why it does this." I say as blue mist starts to surround it again.

"But.....I'm gonna leave it in my little hole on the floor for now. Maybe eventually I'll know the meaning behind this." I add as I open the little door and place the amulet inside and closed the door.

"But that's really cool though Priya!" Mabel smiles.

"Maybe it's some kind of prophecy or some bizz!" She suddenly gasps, making me chuckle as I roll my eyes.

"Yeah I doubt it very much." I tell them jokingly.

"Oh hey guys, I think Grunkle Stan wants us to come outside and use those extra fireworks." Dipper says to us while smiling. Mabel and I cheer as we race down the stairs and went outside.


The twins, Grunkle Stan and I stood on the roof as Dipper hands me a popsicle while Grunkle Stan shoots off illegal fireworks.

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