•Chapter 28•

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(Since Weirdmageddon is an hour long episode, I'm going to cut it in half so the next half will be another chapter.)

Weirdmageddon Pt. 3

*Dipper's POV*

"GRUNKLE STAN!" Mabel and I scream out happily. We run up to our Grunkle and hug him while he immediately hugs us back and rests his head on top of ours. Soon, Soos and Wendy run up to Stan and hug him as well.

"Kids! I can't believe it! I thought I lost you two! Wait.....there's only two of you....Where's Priya?!" Stan questions us with worry. Mabel looks over at me with tears in her eyes as I quickly take her hand and squeeze it.

"S-she's...been captured by B-bill..." I stutter out, trying my best not to cry as everyone in the room gasp.

"WHAT?! That little one eyed demon....when I see him I'm going to...." Grunkle Stan trails off in anger and looks down at Mabel and I with tears in our eyes. He sighs deeply and quickly hugs us both again while we hug back.

"It's going to be okay kids....we'll get Priya back.....she's a strong girl." Stan whispers reassuringly to us as I let go of him.

"So...what's everyone doing here?" I ask while I look around to see different creatures and people from the town.

"Yeah there's like monsters and gnomes, and is Pacifica wearing a potato sack?" Mabel questions while looking at Pacifica who was wearing a potato sack.

"Hey! Even in a sack I still look better than you." Pacifica scoffs. Grunkle Stan lights up a match and throws it into a can on the ground, illuminating the room.

"Welcome to what's left of normal around here. Home base." Grunkle Stan says sadly.

"Grunkle Stan, how'd this all happen?" Mabel asks Stan.

"So I was hammering signs out back when the sky started vomiting nightmares. I listen to a lot of AM radio so I knew what this meant, the end of the world. I was soon attacked by a totem pole and quickly ran inside the shack which apparently prevented the totem pole from destroying it. Turns out whatever you kids, Priya and my brother did to the shack with your unicorn voodoo made the crazy place invincible to weirdness." Grunkle Stan explains to us.

"Of course, the unicorn spell. That's why this is the only place Bill's magic can't touch!" I say as Grunkle then gestures over to McGucket.

"That's when Possum Breath over here shows up leading a bunch of injured stragglers through the forest. They needed a place to stay and since the mayor got captured, I elected myself de facto chief. The plan's to stay in here and eat Brown Meat until we run out, then I vote we eat the gnomes." Grunkle Stan explains.

"Hey! I'm short, not deaf!" The gnome, Jeff, yells.

"Shh! Shh! Stress will make you chewy." Grunkle Stan says.

"But Grunkle Stan-" I was cut off when Grunkle Stan covers my mouth and shushes me.

"Shh! I hear footsteps outside. Everyone! Take cover!" Stan whispers to everyone in the room. They all scatter and take out some weapons, ready to fight the intruder.

"You kids stay behind me." Stan commands us and shoves me and Mabel behind him. Stan takes out a bat and was in a fighting position, facing the door. The door then flies open as my eyes widen to see who it was.


She was in her guardian form, swords out and glaring at us. Everyone in the room gasps loudly as Priya's eyes suddenly widens to see us.

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