November 14th, 2079

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Dear Diary,

I guess this will be, for definite, the last entry in this diary. I found this in Dad's bedside drawer last night, when I was looking for the photo he always kept of him and Dad on their wedding day.

Dad passed away two days ago. November 12th 2079, 4:37a.m. From what the doctor said when they arrived, he passed away peacefully in his sleep. He was 88.

I always knew about this diary he kept, yet I never got to look in it. I read through it before I began writing this entry, just to see what sort of things happened when I was a child. From the looks of it, they were the best parents I could've asked for. They made me a good person and they couldn't have done more to support me if they tried. I will be forever grateful to them for always having my back, right the way until their very last breaths.

At least he can be with Dad now. It's been three years since he passed away, and now they can finally be together again. I know that's all he would've wanted. I'm glad they're both happy now; it's all they ever deserved to be. They were both such good people, and I hope I can be even half as good a parent to my children as they were to me.

I'm going to keep this diary as a memory of my Dad. He was always so self-loathing, or so it seemed, and I really wish he hadn't been. I wish he could've understood what a truly great and inspiring person he was, and will forever live on as in my heart.

Signing out,

Dil :)

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