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my eyes fluttered open, as i heard hushed whimpers from the man across me. "harry?" i shook him awake, "you okay?" he opened his eyes and i saw tears gather in them. "l-louis i think i.. i need advice."

i looked at him, "what's up? what's wrong?"
harry sighed, "i heard something.. right when niall went to bed, i went out for a piss. and when i was walking back i.. i saw something."

harry looked afraid, i was worried. "and..?" harry looked ready to cry, "i saw a d-dead a-a.. a b-b-body." harry's voice cracked and i gasped, "where?"

harry shook his head, "lou we can't!"
"harry tell me where!" i watched as his green eyes glittered in sorrow, "i can't tell you.."

before i could ask him again, he ran out of the tent. "no no no no no." i kept mumbling, stumblimg out of the tent, "harry!" i called, his figure no where to be seen, it was so dark. i saw a flashlight and thanked god for this. at least he wasn't too stupid.

i took out my phone turning on the flash. my eyes tearing up when i heard a crash, "harry!" i screamed, my voice cracking, "come back!" i heaved, seeing no trace of his curls or his beautiful eyes i loved to see.

i started sobbing and through my blurry tears i tried to find my way back, tears pouring out even faster because i was lost. i knew aimlessly walking wouldn't help my situation, until i saw my clue. soft cries came from straight ahead, i slowly walked forward, seeing the familiar head scarf on the floor of the forest.

"harry? harry is that you?" wrapping the tattered fabric around my wrist, i shined my light and found someone else instead. "w-who are you?" the girl looked.. well, like she was a human sized rag doll. her face had scratches and bruises. her hair frizzed and tangled as it looked greasy. her clothes dirt filled and ripped, she had socks that had holes in them, and her limbs littered with stories of torture.

stitched parts were along her arms as if she'd been part of something horrific. then from what i could see was a long stitch that seemed unfinished.

she turned around and i gasped, her eyes blood shot and her facial features not what it once was. she screamed at me, "get out! run! get away before he finds you! run!" too scared to do anything, i ran. her voice echoed in my scattered emotions, the way she exclaimed it just triggered my fight or flight senses.


"lou." i turned my body quickly catching a tall figure. "harry?"
a crash sounded and i started sobbing, a soft scream being heard from my left. i sprinted towards the flashing light, my eyes coming upon something i needed to get away from.

a girl.. the girl i came upon was being .. she-

"go." a whisper loud enough to make me jump, i turned and saw no one. i turned back and the girl was gone, but someone stood ahead looking at me.

it started running towards me in all black and i screamed running away, my body telling me i needed to survive.

i felt rough fingers grab my hand, i looked to my right and saw harry running with me, "c'mon lou let's go!" with harry by my side, i sprinted faster.

i looked behind and felt adrenaline turn into my worst fears. the only light was flickering and i panicked as it fell out of my grasp. i stopped to grab it but the feel of those fingertips brought a set of fear once again, making me run again.

"keep going lou, and don't stop or turn around." i nodded and i saw the clearing i knew best, as the sun came up i felt myself lay on the soft leaves, knocking out and succumbing to the darkness.


i woke up yawning, seeing harry across from me in the tent, i rolled my eyes as i saw that silly headband on his head. i pulled it and let it go, the snap giving me a satisfied smile. "lou!" harry whined.

i giggled, "rise and shine!" he hummed getting up and exiting the tent. i followed suit seeing liam already out. "hey payno, what's up?" liam nodded, giving me a slight smile.

"first night and i'm alive and slept like a baby.. i say it's not as bad as it seemed." i pat his back, "that a boy! i told you it would be fun!" liam scoffed, and shook his head. "where's niall?"

liam told me he was still in the tent and i nodded going to wake him up. i slowly shook him, "niall, c'mon bud, get up." i ran my fingers through his soft thick hair, chuckling as he groaned.

he suddenly got up thrashing and screaming, "whoa! niall calm down! it's just me, louis!" tears were rushing down his soft cheeks and i cooed, wrapping him in a hug. "what's wrong? hm?" niall pulled me in a crushing hug, and i rocked us back and forth.

"didn't you hear us? h-how did i end up here? w-where's liam?" he started babbling on and on and i calmed him down. "everyone is okay niall, did you dream something bad?"

"what? lou i.. what?" i giggled, "c'mon lets get out of here." niall nodded, and i sat him next to the lads. "niall here had a nightmare and it seemed to be interesting so why don't we have a morning story eh?"

"lou it was real! i swear! see? look!" niall pulled off his sweater and we laughed, "niall what are you talking about? ain't nothing there!" niall looked ready to burst in tears and we all cooed, "aww, okay lads lets give him a break. okay niall, tell us what happened last night."


is anyone confused? if so, you may comment or PM me for more clarification.

vote. comment.

-softlou x

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