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i had tried anything to get in contact with someone outside of this red forest. last night i was so on edge with everything, harry knew these woods better than i did. he could easily track me and... well, kill me.

this is a situation i never thought i would be in. every sound, or crackle of the fire made me turn my head. paranoia was getting to me.. i knew it was and i couldn't stop it. if only i had something to defend myself with, if only there weren't fucked up people then we'd all be together having a laugh.

a loud boom sounded, causing the floor beneath me to shift slightly. my eyes widened and somehow.. i knew something bad was coming. i quickly packed my bag and headed out.

i wasn't safe anymore, and i needed to find a way out. after walking for what felt like hours i laid myself behind a fallen tree. is this what creates those loud sounds? trees that just.. fall?

the sunset came faster than normal, and i knew right away it was about 18:20. creatures of the night crawled in and under the trees, sounds bouncing off one another. it was like sitting in an invisible box, every sound echoed and there is no way out.

i quickly made a fire, seeing my lighter was running out of juice. my eyes fluttered in exhaustion, the uneasy blood flow slowing to a steady beating of my heart. my head lulled against the tree i laid against, thoughts covered in survival and a blonde boy.

the wind howling loudly awoke me as i scrambled to get up. holding a tree branch tight in my right fist, i let the moonlight guide me. the quiet shuffles of feet making me shift my body towards its direction. being in a forest for a period of time can indeed change and improve on the senses. the oxygen was fueling me as pure nature surrounded me.

a figure ran towards me as i stood my ground. the only thing i saw was his glistening tattooed skin, and gleaming hazel eyes. the moment i blinked he was gone.. and i was unconscious by a hit to my head.


i eased my breathing, as i peered down at the unconscious man beneath me. he could've been great to train, and hunt with me. hoisting him upon my shoulder i faltered on my first step, his body weight will slow me down for sure.

i huffed, fighting against the pain and going to my home.. to my angel waiting for me.


i laid the body on the concrete floor, signaling harry about his friend. he nodded, skillfully taking a knife from his sleeve. luckily, this kid learned well and quick, easy to be my aid. i walked forward, quietly opening my room door to see ..nothing

i quickly closed the door and the minute i turned i saw his face before the object he threw. it hit me instantly knocking me to my feet, my brain went fuzzy as the blurry image of him running out the door sobered me from the hit.

i ran out, barely catching a glimpse of his curvy figure as he rounded the corner and exited the door. sprinting quickly, i went out into the dim forest, "niall!" i roared, my eyes darting from place to place.

i clenched my fists breathing harsh from the anger within me. i looked at the soil seeing his foot prints.. looking ahead i growled
running towards the fresh tracks as i smiled, tha se vro.


it's short.. kill me!

anyways, my friend has gotten me into this show called the 100, and i got influenced.

tha se vro: i will find you

-softlou x

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