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my exhale was shaky, and i noticed the familiar calm faces, letting me know everything was okay.. for now.

"i.. it was around 3AM and what happened was something.. terrifying came at me and liam.

liam and i had ran towards your tent but before i could catch up this.. thing had a hold of my arm. it felt like the.. monster was cutting off my circulation. i didn't know, but liam had told me everything was going to be okay.

he told me to close my eyes, and be calm. so i did, but whatever that thing was didn't like it, and the pain on my arm intensified. i had opened my eyes and it.. it was right in front of me. in all black. i had screamed, and i was being tossed around.

this thing dragged me to a lake, where various of dead bodies laid. i.. i was so scared. this monster was.. he was t-torturing me i-in t-the most horrible way possible. i felt all that pain.. for nothing. i heard voices but i passed out from being.. f-fr-from-"

louis cut me off, "okay niall, it's okay. just a nightmare right? look it's daylight you're safe."

i nodded slowly, though deep inside me i wanted to yell and scream, and get the hell out of here. they all probably think i'm crazy. i want to curl in a ball and cry my eyes out, not only did my friends not believe me, but they went on as if nothing happened that night. i went through the pain and torture of something i was so sure had happened hours ago.

i went back into the tent and let out a few tears. i wanted to go home.

i sighed, trying to collect myself. just tell the lads and everything will be okay. i walked out, and saw them all talking about something. "hey.. guys?"

they all turned to look at me. and i blew out a breath for courage. "i..i want to leave. i want to go back home." louis was the first one to disagree, "no! we still have to go explore! i know there's a lake down there too."

i stood frozen, the lake. the place where this monster of a man dragged me and.. tortured me. "i don't want to go, lou please!" i begged, hoping i'd win him over.

it was like he completely ignored my recent horrors that happened last night. "aw c'mon niall, just one time and if you really wanna go then we'll send out liam with ya because he doesn't look well either."

i wanted to cry. i wanted to scream in his face and smack him to get some sense back into his brain. i wanted to get away.


we all journeyed through the red leaves, this all felt so fake but it was real, the actual forest was red.

i saw harry bring out his camera again, handing it to me because it got really warm and needed to get out his bag. we all stopped to change our clothes because the sudden change in temperature was overbearing.

it got really hot and i knew i didn't bring any short sleeve shirts. i asked harry for a tank top and he handed me a white one as i pulled on shorts. i'm glad we actually brought our bags or else i would be sweating buckets.

louis finally found the lake and he ran toward it, i saw harry bring his camera up, snapping photos of louis. harry showed me his shots and i was once again amazed at his photography skills.

i was too scared to even go into the water, simply dipping my feet in as i observed the scenery. i took harry's camera and tried it out, i freaked out when i held the button for too long and it snapped pictures like crazy.

i didn't notice he was behind me and he laughed, "it's on sports mode, it's suppose to do that, for action shots and such." i nodded and watched as he switched it to something else.

"there, that should help. this mode is good for focusing and stills. basically for scenery like this." i smiled thanking him, and watched him jump in.

carefully switching the thingy i stopped at sports mode, and took many shots of the boys, deleting the ones i thought weren't good. i saw a small animal that looked like a rabbit move around and took pictures of it jumping around.

when i looked over the pictures my eyes grew wide and my breath got caught in my throat. the thing, it's... it's watching me.

i dropped the camera and ran towards the boys in the water clinging to liam. "whoa, niall what's the matter?"

"i-i saw... the..the monster is h-here." i whimpered and when i opened my eyes looking out at the water i screamed,

my vision and lungs filling with water,
as my nightmare became day time


i'm not satisfied with this chapter,
it's a bit trashy and not as suspenseful.

hm.. thoughts?
vote. comment.

-softlou x

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