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i left liam behind.. i left niall behind.. yet i couldn't find it in me to feel guilty. i went through too much to just stay and look for him.

one thing i learned from that first night, was to get away from anything that feels threatening.. and deep in my gut i had felt that exact feeling.

the thoughts kept cramming into my head, the hard hit of a tree brought me back to reality. i looked behind me and saw harry deep in thought as well. "hey, harry?"

he looked up quickly, humming for an answer. "do you know our way back? i kind of lost track." he nodded and stepped in front of me, taking the lead. we continued to walk and i looked ahead, titling my head in confusion. "what's that?"

the curly haired lag turned around, his smile not going unnoticed. "you'll see." he muttered. i felt shivers run down my spine and a loud crash made me stop. "h-harry.. i don't think... we shouldn't go in there."

the old cabin scared me. despite how great it was to find shelter, i don't want to know what that crash was. before harry could respond a piercing scream sliced through my ears. "harry..." i warned.

suddenly he threw his bag, and walked towards me. i saw the shiny object in his hand and i ran. throwing my bag off i felt lighter and feel my chances of surviving increase.

i dodged trees and areas i knew wouldn't help my situation. i saw the clearing of a lake and slowed down. before i could take another step the grip that latched onto me made its presence. a loud scream came out of me, and his cool blade made me stop.

warm tears blurring my vision. harsh breaths were heaving from my nose as i kept my mouth shut. "shh, lou." he whispered.

i wanted to go anything i can to damage him, but with a knife in his possession i knew i'd end up dead. "look at the sunset.. beautiful right?" i whimpered, i don't give a fuck about some sunset i wanted to run away.

"too bad it will be your last." and his movements seemed to blur. his hold on me seemed to be impossible to escape as he dragged me towards the water. i wanted to cry and fight back, but with all the professional classes he took, i know it'd be useless.

"for every breath, you go under." he whispered in my ear and i wiggled in his grip, unknowingly taking a breath. then going under water.

my mind was in a state of panic and i thrashed about in the dirty lake water. after what seemed like hours i was brought up. i took a gasp of air, and of course i went under.

after four times i learned to control my breathing. finally, i decided to hold my breath. i know i will just pass out and live to see... to breath for another day.

his chuckle was the last thing i felt or heard before my lungs became weak and my mind went blank.


i felt disgusted.

looking through those pictures i realized what this thing was, it was a man. despite the sharp features that gave him handsome looks, i hated him. he took niall, and so did harry. they both planned this i know it.

a loud scream cut off my thoughts and it reminded me of louis. oh no

harry is with louis. harry is the killer. he's killing louis right now. i grabbed a stick and went off towards the lake. i needed to save my friends and get harry taken away.

"louis?!" i looked around and heard nothing. observing the area i saw footprints, they got deeper as it went back into the forest and i knew harry was carrying him.

"harry i swear i will find you! and when i do i won't be alone!"


i woke up and this time i could see. i started panicking when i saw my hands tied to the headboard. violent sobs echoed in the room, i knew we should have left the moment our first night fell upon us.

once i officially knew i couldn't get out of the knots i took a look at my surroundings. it was all bare white walls, and a bed with a door across from me. my arms started to ache and i tried to put less pressure on them. after trying once again i screamed in frustration, it came out raw and so.. hopeless that i barely thought it was me.

i feel useless and vulnerable more than ever and i can't believe out of all the possibilities of this trip, it came out like this. i'm at least glad my clothes are still on.. by that, i meant my shorts and underwear.

i was shirtless obviously because of the cuts that monster drew into me. screwing my eyes shut i threw my head back hard and welcomed the dull ache, a distraction from my current disadvantages. i did it two more times and before i could do it again a sharp growl forced out words, "don't do it again."

i gasped opening my eyes to see him.


it's starting to get more interesting now haha!

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-softlou x

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