Chapter 1

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"I'll see you later!" I said as I walked out of that lame ass party. I usually liked going to downtown parties but I hated the people that were there tonight. Those stuck up bitches. That was a terrible way to celebrate my 17th birthday.  I was going to take the usual way home but I just wanted to go to bed right now. So I decided to take the short cut way. So  I crossed the street and headed down the alley but when I got to the end of the alley a sleek black convertible pulled up next to me "Hey sexy! Need a ride?" A guy yelled with a thick accent from his car. I turned to see if it was someone I knew but I have never seen this guy before he had dirty blonde fluffy hair, a cheeky smile, and was wearing a black leather jacket. "No thanks scum bag!" I said and quickly turned around to continue my walk home. He revved his engine and zoomed past me down the street. This usually didn't bother me because it happens all the time a bunch of weirdoes yelling profane things out at me as they drive by. This one guy gave me a more serious feeling though. But, I brushed it off and as I got to the second alley that I go through to get home I feel like something is off, but I don't know what. As I'm about halfway in the alley I see the same black convertible from earlier. I slow down my pace but keep walking because "It can't be the same car with the same creepy guy. It just can't be!" I think to myself. As I got closer I noticed that no one was in the car. I felt a wave of relief and I started to walk at my normal pace again. All of a sudden I felt a hand and a damp cloth cover my mouth and one arm wrap tightly around my waist. "Shh its gunna be okay sweetie." A man whispered in my ear.
I tried to get away. I was kicking and squirming but he just squeezed me tighter I started to fade in and out of darkness my body got heavy and then I felt like I was being laid down then I faintly heard him say "It's gunna be okay sweetie."





Sorry I know this is kinda short but that's how the first few will be for while.

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Kidnapped by Ashton Irwin A.U.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora