Chapter 6

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"Shit shit shit!" I run to the sink and turn on the water and let the cold flow over my hands when the blood is mostly off I rush up the stairs to the room I woke up in because that is where the only bathroom I know of is. I get there and start to search frantically for a first aid kit but my search was in vain because there is nothing helpful in here at all. So that means I'm going to have to search the house for one. I start to look in the rooms in my hall first one is another bed room but no bathroom in there, then there is a theater room, the next is a game room, and then a workout room. Holy cow how much money does this guy have? You'd think in a house this big he'd have a lot of bathrooms. I reach the last door in the hall and cross my fingers then open the door. "Finally!" I say relived to have found a bathroom I open the medicine cabinet and there is a first aid kit in there thankfully. I clean my wounds and wrap them up I have never had to do this before and I really hope I'm doing it right. I put the first aid kit back and head down stairs but instead of turning right towards the kitchen I turned left and I was in a nice living room with a large dark sofa, table, and a flat screen TV. I sit down on the couch and reach for the remote I want to watch something familiar and comforting something that will distract me from reality. I start to look through the endless amount of channels and see one of my favorite shows Catfish on MTV it always intrigued me how you could be in love with someone you don't really know.

After watching an episode my stomach growls and I remember that I didn't actually eat my breakfast earlier so I get up and grab my plate that I had gotten ready earlier and took it to the living room with me. I started to eat it and watch another episode of Catfish. When I was done I took the plate back to the kitchen and sat it in the sink. I look to the clock on the stove and it's almost 2:30. I decide to look at the rest of the house and I head to the hallway underneath the stairwell and start to look in the rooms the first room is a huge pantry, the next room is filled with what looks like screens that stream the security footage, the next door I open up is a bathroom and the last door I open up is at the end of the hall and it opens to a stairwell that goes downstairs. What the hell? Ashton never said anything about a basement. 

Kidnapped by Ashton Irwin A.U.Where stories live. Discover now