Chapter 7

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What the hell? Ashton never said anything about a basement. I reach for the wall to find a light and I turn it on. I question whether or not I should go down there Ashton never said I couldn't. I start to slowly make my way down the steps and I'm halfway down when I hear the front door click open "I'm back Belle!" Oh shit Ashtons home. I rush up the stairs, turn the light off, and quietly shut the door. "Belle where are you?" Oh no! I walk down the hallway and out to the living room "I was in the bathroom." I said facing him "Glad you found your way around, but now it's time to go over the rest of the rules." Ashton said taking off his shoes and jacket and started making his way over to couch and turning off the TV. "Come sit Belle." I slowly start making my way over to the couch and sit on the farthest side from him. "Don't be shy Belle." He said and patted the spot on the couch next to him. I slowly moved closer to him "Okay Belle it's time to go over the rest of the rules I have for you. 1. You must always listen to me and respect me 2. You will always call me sir when we are in public 3. You will clean up after yourself and me like dishes, laundry, garbage, etc. 4. You are not allowed in the upper west wing unless I say so 5. Obviously don't try to leave me Belle and if you don't follow these rules you will be punished accordingly. Do you understand?" "Yes." I replied timidly "You don't have to be afraid of me Belle I don't want to hurt you." He said staring into my eyes and slowly leaning in. I could feel his warm breath and saw him close his eyes. There is no way I'm going to let him kiss me so I quickly turn and run out of the living room and turn toward the giant staircase. "Belle!!" I can hear him scream but it only makes me want to get away from him even more I'm sprinting up the stairs I can hear his heavy footsteps behind me. I try to go faster but I can't I'm almost to the top of the stairs when I can feel his hands wrap around me and we trip over the last step and I land with a thud on my side and his arms around me. He immediately wrapped around me tighter but I continue to struggle. He gets on top of me and pins me down with ease. I'm screaming, crying, kicking, and squirming but it does nothing to stop him. "Get off of me!" I yell at him. "Belle please stop." He said almost calmly but I can't. I can't give up. I start to try and hit him but he grabs my hands and slams them down on the ground I cry out in pain. He looks at me in confusion them looks at my hands and gasps. "Belle! What happened?" He gently grabs my hands in his own. I can't help but continue to cry. He gets off of me and picks me up bridal style, but I'm in too much pain to fight any more. He carries me down my hall and to the bathroom and sits me down on the toilet. "Let me know if this hurts princess." He says to me as he starts to remove the bandages I sloppily wrapped around my hands earlier. He peals them off and I cringe at the slight pain but try to stay calm. He cleans my reopened wounds gently and wraps my hands up with such precision. "What happened Belle? How did this happen?" He said looking at me with a look I've never seen on his face before it almost looks like he is sad. "I...I kinda punched the wall?" I said looking down at my feet feeling so embarrassed "Why?" he asked plainly "Because I was upset. I was enraged and confused I just exploded." I said still looking down he then gently grabs my arm and pulls me up and leads me down the hall into my room. I go and sit on the bed and so does Ashton. "Look Belle I know you are confused and this is all happening a little fast but you should be happy to be here. You can have anything you want here designer clothes, Prada shoes, diamond earrings you can have it all as long as you listen and do as you are told." He says to me and gently takes my bandaged hand into his. "Why do you even want me? You could have taken anything from my parents but you chose to take me. Why?" I asked with my tears starting to dry on my cheeks. "Because you are beautiful Belle and I need someone to be mine you were the best choice at the time and over time I...well that doesn't matter. You are here now and you are mine now that's what matters. You don't have to clean today but tomorrow there will be a list of things that I need you to do. You can let me know if you are feeling up to it tomorrow morning okay?" He said firmly "Okay" I replied my voice still a little shaky. "You will stay in here for the rest of night as punishment for your actions earlier, but I will bring you dinner later on tonight. I know it's hard Belle this is your warning, next time your punishment will be much more sever."

Kidnapped by Ashton Irwin A.U.Where stories live. Discover now