Chapter 9

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As I head down the hallway I can hear faint music playing from downstairs. As I turn the corner to head down the grand staircase the music becomes clearer. It sounds almost classical. I reach the bottom of the stairs and meet Ashton. "Glad to see you down here on time beautiful." He said as he took my hand carefully "I hope you are hungry I made quite a few different things because I wasn't sure what you wanted." He leads me into the kitchen and I see all the food sprawled out on the table. There is spaghetti, breadsticks, broccoli, hamburgers, salad, and a large tray of desserts. "Why did you do all of this for me?" I asked timidly "Because today is a celebration Belle! I finally have what's mine." He said tightening his grip on my hand that was still tender "You are finally where you belong." He said this all with a sweet smile on his charming face but I couldn't help but feel sick to my stomach "Come now Belle sit down" he said pulling out a chair for me. I sat down and began to put some food on my plate. I began to eat. "So I will have to leave tomorrow to take care of some business so I will probably be gone by the time you wake up. Are you going to be okay with that?" I was a little confused as to why he was asking me this. He kidnapped me and now wants my permission if he can leave me alone? "I think I'll be fine." I said "Okay good. I'll also have a small list of rules and things you will need to tend to around the house. I expect that they will be completed by the time I get home." He said with a stern look "Yes sir." I responded We ate in silence for a while until we were finished. I was thankful for the silence.

"Did you enjoy dinner Belle?" Ashton asked "Yes sir." I responded plainly but I was actually shocked by how well the food tasted he was a great cook "Belle you don't have to call me 'sir' at home when we are alone haha" he said in a playful way. "Sorry sir" I responded "Hopefully you'll relax soon dear. You are safe here with me." He said smiling "Well it's getting late Belle you should go to bed soon you are going to have a big day tomorrow." He stands up and gestures at me to follow him. So I do. He leads me up to my bedroom door. "How do your hands feel now Belle?" He asked holding them in his gently "Fine." I said not wanting him to know that they were still very sore. He then tightened his grip on them and I screamed out in pain. "I knew there was no way you were just fine. You should have told me that Belle." He said sternly "I didn't think it was a big deal" I said with tears in my eyes. "Belle you need to trust me and open up to me. It'll be better for us if you do." So he took me to the bathroom and re wrapped my hands. We didn't speak. He was so careful when he did it like he was holding a snowflake in his hands and he was afraid he would crush it. You'd think it would be the exact opposite of what a gangster would do. In my imagination he would just roughly wrap duck tape or something around my fingers and tell me to get over it and to suck it up. But he was gentle and took his time with it. When we were done I was half asleep and he carried me to bed I was too tired to protest. He laid me down carefully as if not to wake me. I felt comfortable in the bed even though it wasn't my own that I was used to. I felt his lips touch my forehead and then heard him walk away from me and lock the door. I drifted off into a deep sleep.

(Dream) I was running down the dark and dirty alley as fast as my legs could carry me and every time I got close to the end of the alley it became longer and longer it seemed like I could never reach the end and I could hear him behind me. Chasing me in his car. He was revving his engine and honking at me. Like he was teasing me. I was so scared I could feel my heart pounding and I could hear him laughing even in his car. Then I heard him accelerate and heard the car getting closer and closer to me. I could feel the heat of the engine on my heels. I knew this was it I was going to die.

I woke up hot and covered in sweat with my heart beating out of my chest. I ripped off the thick comforter and saw I was still in my jeans. I got up and took a quick shower and changed into some pajamas. I tried to fall back asleep but my dream was still fresh in my brain and I couldn't relax. So I just laid in bed until early in the morning I heard someone unlock my bedroom door and then footsteps walking away.

Kidnapped by Ashton Irwin A.U.Where stories live. Discover now