Chapter 15

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He grabbed my arm tight and began to pull me behind him down the hallway. I was freaking out and trying to pull back. "Ashton please I'm so sorry" I begged but he didn't stop pulling me. "I didn't mean it."
We got to the top of the stair case and he was still raging angry. He turned around to me, still holding my wrist tight, looked me in the eyes. "Don't you understand who I am Belle." He said with a growl and backing me up to the railing of the staircase. "I am Ashton the leader of the Vindictive gang. I don't take bullshit like that from anyone. Especially from you!" He said raging mad. I'm shaking in his grasp.
"Do you think you're that special to me?" He said pushing me harder against the railing of the top of the stairs. "You think you are irreplaceable to me?" I was starting to bend over the edge of the railing now.
"Ashton please." I say trying to push back
"I could kill you just like that." I am bent far over the railing at this point. I feel like I can't catch my breath I'm scared and trying so hard to push against this. Right when I think I'm about to be thrown over the edge he throws me the other way. He throws me against the floor. "I could kill you, but what fun would that be?" He struts away from me walking towards his west wing.

I am now lying on the floor all alone.

I haven't moved from the spot I was thrown.

I have been here for an hour or two now lying on the floor.

I can't stop shaking from fear and adrenaline. I can't stop crying to myself. He almost threw me off the edge of his staircase. What has my life come to?
This wasn't what I had dreamed my life to be someday. I wanted to go to college for dance, meet a lover, get married, travel the world. Here I am kidnapped by Ashton. My future, my dreams, my family have all been ripped away. I am so tired, cold, in pain, and I feel like there is no hope. I drift off into nothing.

"Belle?! Belle?! Where are you?!"
"Mom? Is that you?!"
"Hunny where are you?"
"I'm here mom! Help me!"
"Belle we can't find you hunny?"
"Please Mom help me! I'm right here! Mom?!"
"Mom! Please?!"

I wake up from a cold sweat in my room and in my bed. Ashton must have carried me to bed. Even when I'm asleep the nightmare is still there.
That I will never be found.

My next several nights are sleepless. Even if I do sleep I am woken up in terror from a nightmare. That's all I seem to do now I bounce from nightmare to nightmare. During the days I have some distractions while Ashton is away I try to get my duties done as fast I can so I don't have to worry about being thrown off the stairs. I find it hard to look at him in the eyes now after that incident. I'm so afraid here. I'm so afraid of him.

*knock knock*
I heard on my bedroom door. I assume it is Ashton.
"Come in." I said quietly
He came in and sat down on the bed. I was in my pajamas all snuggled up and ready for bed.
"Belle I know the past couple of days have been tense and I want you to know you can relax. Let's go out again soon and take your mind off things." He says to me so casual it's gross. So easy like we're good pals. We are not. I am a prisoner and he wants me to relax and take my mind off things?! EXCUSE ME?!
I don't reply I stay still and just stare at him not wanting to say anything.
"Belle." He says my name and reaches for me with an outstretched hand. I flinch away from him afraid of his touch. He is still for a moment and then he pulls back his hand. He gets up off of my bed and walks out of my room. Before he leaves he stops at the door for a moment and looks back at me. I am still afraid just waiting for him to come back and grab me. We lock eyes for just a second before he turns back around and walks out of my room closing and locking the door behind him.
Before this stair situation happened I would have thought that he was sorry. I would have believed those sad eyes. He would have manipulated me into submission, but his words keep pounding in my brain. "I could kill you, but what fun would that be?" I know he is capable of evil. He is chaos, violence, and anger.
I can't fall into his desire for me to submit to that. I won't let myself be persuaded by his lavish lifestyle that he funds through killing people. How many other girls has he done this too? How many have survived? Am I the only lucky girl to not get thrown off the stairs? I cry myself to sleep like most nights except this time I have no nightmares. This time it's just darkness.

Kidnapped by Ashton Irwin A.U.Where stories live. Discover now