Chapter 13

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"Belle are you okay?" Sarah asking me is the last thing I remember before blacking out.
Thing are still fuzzy and dark but I can begin to hear Ashton's voice.
"Belle! Belle! Wake up hun! Oh please be okay."
"Ashton, here is some water for her." Adelina said.
"I can't believe she actually passed out. The boys were just getting rowdy like always." said Fae
I open my eyes and see all the girls are gathered around and that Ashton is holding me.
"Here babe have some water"
I took a couple sips of water from Ashton as I began to sit up and realize what happened.
"It sounds like you took quite a spill. How are you feeling?"
I thought to myself. Confused and scared I am currently being held against my will and I thought someone was gunna start shooting up the place! I am feeling AWFUL!
"Guess I got overwhelmed."Is all I replied
"We better get you home."
Ashton then picked me up and carried me out as he always seems to do. The girls called out their goodbyes and feel better wishes to me as we left. We didn't leave the same way we came in. We exited out of some back door that was probably for all his illegal gang activities. Honestly I couldn't even care in that moment i'm glad i wasn't carried out like a child in front of the dinning hall upstairs. After we got in the car and began to head home Ashton began to speak to me.
"I am so sorry."
Wait is he apologizing??
" This was too much too fast and I should have known that. I did know that. I just wanted to show you around, have you meet some of the girls, a nice night you know."
I don't know what to say back. He isn't being cold or harsh I can't believe he is apologizing?
"I will draw a bath when we get home. For you of course not for me."
That last bit he said made me chuckle a bit and he heard me laugh. I saw his cheeky smile spread across his face. For a moment I fall for it. He looks like a real human with feelings and emotion. A man that isn't a criminal, a murder, or a villain. I snap out of it quick.
I keep getting sucked into this mind game of his. He wants me to trap myself here in his cute words, his lavish house, and fancy friends. I will not fall into this trap anymore. I need to keep my head out of water before I let him drown me into submission. The last thing my father would want is for me to be one of those girls that falls for their kidnapper.
As we arrive back I open up my own car door to let myself out before he has the chance. I begin to walk towards the stairs to got up.
"Whoa whoa! Slow down Belle you just fainted a little while ago. You need to take it easy."
"I'm feeling fine now." I said as I proceeded to walk towards the stairs.
"Least let me help you."
He catches up to me and helps guid me up the stairs to the first floor. Honestly I needed the help but I didn't let him see that. I pushed up the second set of stairs to the second floor with Ashton by my side. I wouldn't let my weakness show. We were almost to my room now.
"Alright I will draw you a bath."
"No thank you I just want to go to bed." I said very politely hoping this will be enough for him to leave me alone.
"I insist, you need to relax and calm down. A warm bath will help your body to relax as well as your mind."
He began to walk towards my bathroom and run the water for the bath.
"Ashton I just want to sleep." I said a little less polite this time
" It's no problem. Just undress and come get in before the water gets cold." He continued to insist almost too kindly
"NO!" I yelled. I had enough of this.
Ashton's head snapped around from the bath to me so quickly my stomach dropped. His face was mad. He stood up and began to walk towards me. I began to back away from him but was stopped by the bed behind me. He kept coming until we were face to face only inches apart. I could feel is angry breath.
"You will take off your clothes and get into the bath right now." he said in a husky and angry tone, but I did not move.
After several moments he turned around grabbed the lamp sitting on the night stand and smashed it on the ground. It shattered all over the floor glass now surrounding us both.
" Just let me take care of you!" he screamed
After a couple seconds of silence I slowly began to take off my clothes while I was crying.
He stayed turned away from me and didn't say anything. After I was undressed I walked past him to the tub and got into the warm water still sobbing. He stood in the doorway for a while with a plain expression on his face. No anger, no sadness, just nothing. Then he left my room without another word.
I sat in tub crying for a while but eventually calmed myself down. I think at this rate I will run out of tears to cry. I let myself breathe and relax. After sometime I hear a tap on the doorway. I cover myself up with my hands. Ashton walks in.
"I brought this for you." He sets a towel down on the counter.
I am silent. I just glance at him.
"I brought this for you as well. Use it as you please." He then tosses a broom and dustpan onto the bathroom floor with a loud noise and walks out again shutting and locking my bedroom door behind him.
I finish my bath and dry off with the towel he gave me. I sweep up the broken glass enough to get to my clothes safely and get pajamas on. As I am about to finish cleaning the glass up I spot quite a big sharp piece of glass. I pick it up and tuck it into the bottom of one of my dresser drawer. I might need it for protection from Ashton.
I lay down and I immediately fall asleep I am exhausted from today.

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