Chapter 12

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What am I headed into? I thought maybe this would be a date of some sort but apparently I'm being forced right into the shark tank. I try to block that from my mind for now and I just enjoy the scenery. Ashton lives in the middle of no where, now I'm glad I didn't make a run for it earlier because I would have been completely lost out there for who knows how long. This realization of how cut off I am from the world right now is a little overwhelming so I lay my head down and close my eyes hoping that this will all be over soon.
"Belle wake up we are almost there." Ashton says tapping my arm. I look around and see that we are in the city and we are pulling up to a very nice bar/restaurant that I have always heard about and have wanted to go to but have never actually been to. "Belle are you impressed or what?" Ashton must have seen me gawking at the building. "You know I can take you out to places like this every single night if you wanted me to. I can make your life so amazing if you will just let me." He then pulls up to the valet. "Now before we get out I want you to repeat the rules I told you earlier." I am nervous I don't want to make a mistake and be punished or something so I take a moment to think then I take a deep breath and begin. "Don't speak unless spoken to, do not have any alcoholic beverages, and don't question what you say." I say quickly hoping that is what he wanted to hear. "Good girl Belle now lets go." He leans over and gives me short warm kiss on my cheek then he gets out of his door walks around to my side and then let's me out. He insists that I hold onto his arm.
The lady that greets us at the door is very beautiful and smiley but once Ashton leans over to and whispers something in her ear, her whole demeanor changes and she is very serious. She leads us through the crowd into a back hallway that leads to a staircase that goes down stairs. When we reach the bottom I see bunch of other people that are dressed up but it is mostly men and some of them have girls with them. We get seated and she asks us for our order Ashton orders some fancy steak with a beer and I order some sort of pasta that I can't pronounce and a glass of water. After the waitress leaves I have so many questions to ask Ashton but I'm too scared.
   He must be able to read my mind because the next thing that comes out of his mouth is the answers I want. "This a place where members of my gang meet and dine and have a good time. The other girls here are not like you most of them were raised in this kind of lifestyle and are either dating who they are here with or are their family. Tonight I am going to talk some business with the guys when we are done eating and it's stuff that is vulgar and I don't want you to hear so you will go sit with the other ladies at that time. Okay my little princess?"
"Yes sir." I said I can't believe this whole underground criminal restaurant actually existed. This is the stuff you only see in movies. "Ashton, are there more places like this on the city?"
"Darling there are more things in this world that the normal person has no idea about. There are hundreds of these places across the city, although most of them serve different purposes but we won't get into that right now."
Our waitress then came back with our drinks and our meal, the food smelt so good I couldn't wait to dig in. As we ate I tried to be extra careful and mind my manners. I have always been a messy eater and didn't want to embarrass myself in front of Ashton and all these people.
   After finishing my meal without making a fool of myself I could tell that the meeting was about to begin because most of the men were beginning to head into yet another hidden room in this building. Ashton took me over to a table of women and introduced me. There was a girl my age with blonde hair her name was Adelina. And two other girls a few years older than me with darker hair one named Sarah and the other Fia.
   "Remember to behave Belle." Ashton said as he squeezed my hand and then left to go join the other men. As I sat down with the other girls I felt very out of place and scared and I knew they could tell.
"So what's the story with you?" Asked Fia
"What do you mean?"
"I mean nobody here knows who you are, you just show up outta nowhere on the arm of Ashton. Our leader. So what's your deal? Did he knock you up or something, is he trying to keep you quite about something you saw?"
"No no no it's none of those things."
"Then what's the deal?!"
I could feel my face begin to turn red as I was embarrassed and felt very overwhelmed.
"Fia, leave the girl alone you wouldn't have wanted us jumping down your throat the first night you came in here." The blonde girl Adelina chimed in to defend me.
Then all of our heads turned to the meeting room as we heard sounds of loud manly voices yelling. I couldn't tell if they were angry or happy. I couldn't make out what words were being said either but the shouting continued. Then Sarah the other brunette that had been very quiet grabbed the hands of me and Adelina and shouted "Quickly follow me!" She pulled us behind the bar and opened up a door hidden underneath a rug. My mind is panicking I don't know what is going on but I don't question it. Adelina, Fia, and I all climbed down first then Sarah followed us into a small bunker type of room. That had a shelf filled with food water clothes batteries and anything else you would need to survive down here for a while and a whole wall filled with guns knives and ammunition.
"What the hell is going on!?" I asked
"Sometimes the men get very rowdy and you never know if it is good or bad. Maybe someone is attacking them so our job is to stay safe down here until we get the signal we can come out." Sarah responded very calmly
"Does this happen a lot?"
"Only once and a while but it's good to be prepared."
I am in full panic mode and I can't stop myself. I am hyperventilating and sweating hysterically. I am pacing back and forth across the room. I can't stop repeating these facts in my head. I have been kidnapped by the leader of the Vindictive gang. I am in a secret underground gang hideout. We may or may not be under attack right now. Everything begins to feel fuzzy and dizzy in my brain and I can't seem to catch my breath.
"Belle are you okay?" Sarah asking me is the last thing I remember before blacking out.

AN- It has been long time no see but I hope like this and feel free to leave any thoughts you have (: love you all xoxo

Kidnapped by Ashton Irwin A.U.Where stories live. Discover now