Chapter 4

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     "What? You don't know what you are talking about. My dad is a cop he would search to the ends of the earth to find me." I said starting to get a little upset. "Didn't your parents tell you about the deal?" he asked looking confused "What Deal?" I asked even more scared and confused than I was before "Well I will just tell you the whole story dear.When you were younger about 7 years old your parents took a big loan from my uncle,Allister a well-known leader of the Vindictive gang , to pay off other debt that your parents owed and they weren't paying the loan back fast enough so we had a meeting with them. I was about 12 at the time and my uncle brought me along so I could learn the family business. There was no way that they could pay it back. Ever. So my uncle decided that they would have to pay it back in a different way.  He asked me what I would like from them and I said the girl. You. Obviously your parents refused and my uncle was willing to make a compromise with them. The deal was that in 10 years you would be all mine you would belong to me. I have been keeping an eye on you for the past ten years making sure you didn't try to run or hide. I have been going to your dance recitals, watching you at parties with your friends, even watching you in your room sometimes. I have waited for you for so long Belle.Now you are finally here I am never letting you go. You aren't in any danger here Belle. I know you think your parents are going to come for you but they knew about this for a long time if they are smart they will stay away and if your parents do try to find you I will give them a warning to back off first instead of just straight up killing them out of respect for you, but seriously if they get to close to what is mine I will kill them. Also if you try to leave me I will have to punish you and I really don't want to do that so don't make me do that Belle. You couldn't leave anyway I have this house surrounded with a 10ft tall gate and security cameras so any effort will be in vein." Ashton then stands up from the table and puts on a similar black leather jacket that washanging from the back of his chair "Now I have to leave for a few hours to handle some important business you are welcome to check out any of the rooms on this floor and any rooms upstairs in the hall you were staying in but stay out of the west wing opposite of it. Do you understand Belle?" I can barely breathe my parents didn't even warn me about any of this. They didn't try to protect me and now I'm here with this guy that is a prominent gang member. I have seen the things they have done on TV. Murders, drug deals, even prostitution and this gang is spread out across America and are extremely dangerous and I'm here with the nephew of one of the main leaders. All of this is happening so fast. It's too much too fast and I'm terrified. "Yes, I understand."




A/N This is the back story of why this is happening to her and a little bit more of Ashton (: I hope you like it! Please comment and vote!

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