Chapter 16

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How much longer can this go on.
POV Ashton.
I walked down from Belles room feeling like an asshole. I join Luke in the kitchen for drinks.
"She flinched away from me tonight."
"What more can you expect from her after what happened?"
"I didn't tell you about that incident so you could rub it in my face. She needed to know that she can't fuck with me. She can't run around mouthing off to me like that. If I were a crueler man she would have got worse. Did you hear what Vinny did to his last girl?"
"I know. He strangled her, and threw her body into a chemical bath to hide the crime."
We sat in silence for a while downing our drinks.
"You're not Vinny." Luke said.
"Obviously I'm not some low life. Look at all I have achieved this mansion, our gang, the money all with me leading the show."
"That's not exactly what I was getting at Ash."
"So you don't think I've lead us well?" I said slamming my glass down
"No man I mean you wouldn't do that Belle. If you pull another stunt like that again I think she may always fear you."
Luke has a point.
"I'm not trying to make her fear me. I want her to respect me."
"Then show her some."
Luke had a point I needed to not be so harsh on her if I want her to feel safe. I want her to know she is with a strong and respectable man.
"Maybe I shouldn't have taken her here so soon. She had a couple years left before her actual removal date." I say full of regret.
"You know that early removal of her was necessary if we want this big plan to follow through with her alive. She needs to be here because here is safe."
"Yeah man I know you're right. I need to start focusing on the bigger picture. Everything is starting to fall into place now. Now is the time I need to lead our people the most and with you as my main wing man how could we go wrong?"
We cheers to that and drink into the night continuing on our conversation till late. By the time I fall asleep and wake back up Luke is gone as usual and it's almost dawn. I write a short note for Belle hoping to ease the tension between her and I, I decide to take Luke's advice. I need her to see things from my side.

"Dear Belle,
Good morning beautiful I hope you slept well. I would like to give you today off. No cleaning or cooking today all I need you to do is rest. Luke will be bringing you a care package from me today as well. I want to bring light and life to your world Belle, just like you have for me. We must see things from the same side.
With Respect,

I slide the letter under her door hoping it finds her well. I unlock her door for her and head out for the day. A usual day of leading my gang consists of making sure we have enough inventory of drugs, guns, and cash. We are always buying, selling, trading, stealing, doing whatever we can to be the best to be the biggest gang. Now we are. There used to be a lot of small gangs all over and a couple big ones here and there. After a huge police crackdown on crime several years back a lot of gangs went quietly and dispersed. There were some people that gang life was all they knew or all they cared about, so they crossed boarders of previous rivalry to start a new gang. One gang of the hardest and most vicious members known. This all happened years ago when I was still too young but I have grown up in it, now it's all I know. After so many years of this gangs success of quiet crime we were too big to quiet anymore, so we decided to be loud. We started to tear it up like old times and there were no other gangs big enough to stop us. The only one trying to stop us was the government of course trying to keep things smooth and clean the way they tried to eradicate us so many years ago. We are too big now to be stopped we are global. We work together better than the fake politicians and corrupt leaders everywhere only looking out for their own backs. In this gang we have each other's backs. That leads up to what we're all getting ready for what the big plan is. Why I had to remove Belle from her old life so soon.
We are going to war.
POV Belle
Ashton's note is different today. Not a list of chores for me today I feel a little lighter like one brick was taken off my back but, but problem is I have a 100 bricks on me. I decide to head downstairs still in my pajamas and have a bowl of cereal for breakfast and turn on some reality tv. For an hour or so I feel like it's just a normal Saturday morning in my old life. After breakfast is over I turn off the tv and take my bowl to the sink. Why has Ashton given me the day to myself maybe he has run out of things for me to do. All I have done the past couple weeks of me being here is clean. This house is spotless. I go up stairs and sit in my bed it's strange to have nothing to do. I start to get lost in my thoughts.
Why haven't my parents found me yet?
Are they even looking?
Was Ashton ever telling the truth about this deal of trading me off to pay a debt?
I may never know the answer to any of these questions I may be locked up here till I'm old and gray even worse I may be killed here by Ashton the next time he blows up on me.
I could try to run but I'm up in the hills somewhere surrounded by forest I wouldn't even know where to go or how to get over the giant fence he has around this place. It might be worth a try I'd rather die free than at the hands of him.
"Hello?! Belle?!" I hear someone yell from downstairs. Who is here? I carefully leave my room to peer around the corner it's Luke and some other girls here. The girls are all carrying boxes. What the hell is going on? He sees me peeking around the corner.
"Don't be shy Belle come on down. This is your little care package." He says all gleefully
I start to slowly walk down not knowing what this is gunna be. There are about five ladies unpacking boxes in the living room now all of them are unfamiliar and I have never seen them before.
"Luke what's going on?"
"It's a spa day!!"
AN [ I know this story is old, I started to write it years ago and I do not update it often at all. The likes and comments I get remind me that someone out there actually likes my story and as long as it makes someone happy I would like to keep going. Thank you so much 💕]

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2020 ⏰

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