Chapter 11

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After a while of watching tv I clean up downstairs and I go upstairs to get ready for tonight. Ashton said to be dressed nicely for tonight but I don't know how nice to dress up. Should I just wear a nice pair of pants and a blouse or one of the fancier dresses he gave me.
I decide to try and meet in the middle. I pick out a cute two piece dress with a nice print on it and a pair of flats to go with it. To finish up I go to the bathroom to see if there is any makeup in there. Luckily there was but it was just the basics like one eyeshadow pallet, mascara, lipgloss, and foundation. I do what I can with what I have and move onto doing my hair and I decide on a top knot bun it's simple and it will keep my hair out of my face.

When I'm done I head downstairs to wait for Ashton to get home I check the clock and I have about half an hour until 5. I decide to head back downstairs and wait for him to arrive. I assume the man is very punctual by his sharp clean cut orders he likes to give me. When I finally reach the first floor I decide to sit and wait for him to arrive. I sit at the counter in the kitchen and kind of fiddle around with the chair and tap my nails on the counter. I am bored I miss having my phone and Internet. I'm sure he took my phone so I couldn't call for help obviously and I'm sure he has internet here but I haven't seen any computers lying around. I'm sure he just has them hidden away somewhere so I can't use them to contact someone. I can't believe this is happening to me.

Then I hear the door click and swing open. I jump up out of my seat and turn towards the door.
"Belle are you ready?" He shouts,making me jump, obviously not knowing I was right there waiting for him
"Yes sir." I responded quietly
"Oh sorry dear" he said laughing slightly "I didn't see you there. You look nice." He then took his hand and grazed my cheek "And it looks like you did all of your chores that's a good girl Belle. See darling you are already catching on." He quickly looks at his watch "Well we better get going if we want to be on time." He then grabbed my hand and pulled me to follow him. He lead me down the hallway and to the door that lead to the staircase I was going to explore yesterday.
"What's down there." I pull back and ask a little scared.
"It's a surprise." He says and winks at me
For some reason that made me feel a little better but also funny in my stomach at the same time. I grab his hand again and follow him down the stairs. It is a little colder down here but what did I expect it is a basement I assume. When reach the bottom though I am taken back because it's a garage filled with all types of luxurious cars I notice a Porsche, Ferrari, and the matte black car from the night he took me. It is a beautiful car but seeing it gives me a sick feeling.
And of course it is the one he is walking towards it looks like this is the car we are taking. He walks over and opens the passenger door for me like a gentleman.
"Thank you." I say as I get in.
He doesn't say anything back to me though. He just walks back around to his side of the car and gets in. He then presses a button on the car and the garage door opens and he speeds out of there. I quickly look back to see the outside of the house to try and get a better grasp of what the house looks like and if there is anywhere I could leave from. I see that the garage is put into like the ground. It looks like it is part of the hill and the road out this way is paved not like the gravel road on the other side of the house. I turn back around and look at Ashton to see he is looking over at me.
" Where are we going?" I ask him
"It's all a surprise dear" he says and looks back at the road.
I have to admit I am pretty nervous.
"You need to really behave tonight Belle. There are going to be very important people where we are going and I need to make a good impression on them. So don't speak unless spoken to and if I tell you to do something do it don't question me. Don't drink any alcoholic drinks whatsoever either. I'll be keeping my eye on you." He says all very clear cut and sharp
"Yes sir." I respond.
Now I am terrified. What am I headed into?

Kidnapped by Ashton Irwin A.U.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ