Chapter 3

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          After I hop out of the shower I dry off my body and go see what I have to wear for clothes I look in the first drawer of the dresser and find bras and underwear I look at the bras and they are all my size. How the hell would he know my exact size? I try and push the thought from my mind and just finish getting ready. I keep looking through the drawers until I find what I would like to wear. As I'm looking through these clothes I notice that all of these clothes are kind of expensive they still have tags on them. I put on a pair of blue skinny jeans and a plain white V-neck tee. I then brush through my hair, blow dry it, and brush my teeth. I make the bed out of habit and because I'm trying to stall. I don't want to press that button but I can't just sit in here all day. I take a deep breath and press the button. After a few moments I hear footsteps and then the locks start to click open and the door opens. There is Ashton he steps in the room looks me up and down then says "Follow me Belle." He then turns and heads out of the room I start to walk towards the door but I stop. I can't move I'm frozen with fear because I have no idea what's on the other side of this door. My mind is racing. It could be a torture chamber, dead bodies, other girls that are locked up, or maybe when I step out there he is going to kill me. I start to back up from the door then Ashton comes back in "Didn't you hear me I said to follow me Belle." He then took my hand I had no courage to resist his pull. I followed him. When I stepped out of the room I was shocked at what I saw. We were walking down a long elegant hallway with beautiful light fixtures, big paintings on the walls, dark wood floors, and countless rooms on either side of me. We got to the end of the hall and there was a huge chandelier hanging above a beautiful black grand stairwell. He lead me down the stairs and we turned right and I was in a gourmet kitchen and then me lead to a small dining room at the other end of the kitchen. There was a small square wooden table that had food laid out on it. I have been so scared that I didn't even realize I was hungry until I saw the food. "Sit, eat, and enjoy." Ashton said gesturing to the table so I sat down and so did he. I grabbed a small sandwich, an apple, and a granola bar I put it all on my plate. "Would you like something to drink Belle?" Ashton asked "Just water is fine." He got up went to kitchen and brought back a glass of ice water. He set it down in front of me I decided this is a good time to say something while everything is calm "My parents will come looking for me and they will find me." I said trying to sound confident. "Darling they aren't going to find you they aren't even going to look for you." He said looking at me and smirking "What?"




A/N I really hope that you guys like the story so far i know its not super original but i'm planing to add some twists to the story! Please comment and vote! (:

Kidnapped by Ashton Irwin A.U.Where stories live. Discover now