Chapter 14

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I wake up in a sweat from a nightmare I can't seem to get out of. I'm awake and in a nightmare and asleep I'm in a nightmare. I see a note on the door.
"Please stick to your usual cleaning duties as we have previously established. I will be back for dinner at 7 please have a hot meal waiting for me when I get home. My assistant will be stopping by today as well so don't be scared."
Wow great. I'm so glad this is what I was kidnapped for. To be a gang leaders maid, to be his side piece to show off. I just have to keep hoping that my dad is out there looking for me. I don't believe a word Ashton said about them pawning me off to fix some kind of debt they had. While I wait for my rescue I might as well just play along with this sick little fantasy of his.
The broom and dust pan are still in here from me having to clean up the broken lamp from last night. Ashton really does scare me.
I head downstairs with the broom and dustpan full of glass, still in my pajamas. I go to the kitchen to dump the dustpan and I see that the kitchen is absolutely trashed.
"What the fuck?!" I can't help but say out loud.
I don't even know where to start. There is broken glass, empty bags of food, drinks spilled everywhere. I assume that after breaking the lamp in my room Ashton came down here to continue his rampage. Great.
I don't want to but I know I have to. I know that he did this just to piss me off. Just to give me a mess to clean up. I bet he is hoping that I don't do it or that I don't finish by the time he comes home just so he can yell at me, break more shit, or maybe he'll hit me.
I won't let him get that satisfaction so I'll clean it up. I take a deep breath and get to work.

After several hours, many trips to the dumpster outside, and a couple cuts on my still beat up hands from the broken bits of glass, the kitchen was spotless. I cleaned it all up with still plenty of time to spare.

*knock knock knock*

What the fuck. Oh yeah Ashton's assistant is coming over. Who knew gang leaders had assistants?
"Hello!" A manly voice shouted through the doorway. "It's me Luke. Just here to drop off some stuff Ashton needed." He walked in carrying a bunch of bags.
"Let me help you with that." I said heading over to him.
"Oh I didn't realize you were down here. Sorry about yelling but I've got this."
I followed him to the living room where he sat the bags down and began to open them. There were some new plates and bowls. Probably to replace the ones he smashed last night. And then Luke pulled out a couple boxes that were in wrapping paper.
"These are for you" Luke said handing me the gifts.
I took them from him and I was so confused. Literally this whole situation is a roller coaster ride.
"Go ahead and open them." Luke said.
So I began to tear into the paper. The first one was a small table lamp and so was the second and the third one.
"I didn't know what one you would prefer so I bought several." Luke said.
I rolled my eyes. What a gift Ashton, thanks for sending your assistant to pick out a new lamp for for my bedroom after you smash my last one. He must have noticed my eye roll.
"He really is sorry you know."
"Oh I'm sure he's sooo sorry." I replied sarcastically
"He really is. He's not too good at the softer emotions you know. It's not how he was brought up."
"Okay." Was all I replied.
"You should clean yourself up by the way. Ashton wouldn't like to come home and see you this way." He said taking the empty bags and wrapping paper out the door with him as he left.
What an ass. He was right though I am still in my pajamas from last night and I have been cleaning all day in these. I still need to make some food for tonight as well. I head back up to my room carrying all my stupid new lamps with me. Just more stuff for him to break. I shower and change into a casual outfit. A cute sweater and black leggings. Simple and comfy. I also change the bandages on my hands they are mostly healed just a couple fresh cuts from cleaning the glass up today. Then I go downstairs and put away the new plates and bowls that Luke had brought over. Now what am I going to make for dinner. I don't have too long and he said he wanted a hot meal. Let's go for some soup. I make a simple tomato soup with some garlic bread. As I'm finishing dinner I hear the front door open and shut.
Ashton's home.
"Smells great in here." He says
"Almost done"
"Perfect I'll go change then come back down."
He leaves the kitchen and I feel like I can breathe again. I quickly pour two bowls of soup for us and set out some of the garlic bread I made on the table and sit down. I don't want to talk to him, eat with him, or even look at him.
He walks back into the kitchen and sits down at the place I made for him. "Ahh isn't this just perfect Belle. I come home from a long day to a clean home, delicious meal, and my beautiful girl."
I just shrug my shoulders and continue to eat my meal.
He sighed not happy with my response "How was your day hun?"
"Fine." I replied simply.
"Well did you enjoy the gifts I had Luke bring for you?"
"Yes, thank you." I replied trying to speak to him as little as possible.
I could tell he didn't like my answers by the way he kept staring at me for the rest of dinner, but he didn't say anything. When we were finished I stood up and grabbed our dishes and began to fill the dishwasher. Ashton excused himself and said he had to go make a couple phone calls. I thought it was weird how much he ran this gang of his like a business. He works during the day, has an assistant, and makes phone calls for work. Sound like your average Joe if you ignore all the killing and drug trafficking they do.
When I was done with the dishes and cleaning up the kitchen I waited a while not knowing what Ashton wanted me to do next. He always gave me instructions and without any I'm not sure what's okay to do. I decide to head upstairs to my wing and to go check out the place again.
I stop by the theatre room the seats are huge and look really comfy the screen is also massive I also notice a little popcorn machine and a fridge in the corner I didn't notice earlier. I take a look at the workout room again as well. I notice all the equipment this time. It's all very new and high tech there are so many different machines as well then I notice there is one wall covered in mirrors with a bar. Just like in my old dance studio. I rush over to it and run my hand down it. It feels so nice to see something familiar and comforting. I can't help but begin to run over the basic ballet positions and do some stretches.
I begin to lose myself in the mirror I start doing some of my old routines and humming some of my music. I feel so free when I dance and I completely forget my worries. After finishing my dance I hear clapping. I am immediately pulled out of my trance and back to reality I turn to see Ashton in the doorway staring at me smugly and clapping.
"Cute." He says "It's nice to see you dancing again."
"It felt nice for a second too." I said snarky and tried to push past him out of the room.
"Excuse me." He said and grabbed me by the arm
"I'm just trying to go to my room."
"You think your getting off easy after all the attitude you have given me tonight. Ignoring me at dinner and not even appreciating the gifts I had delivered to you today."
"Yes thank you for the lamps would you like to come to my room and smash them again." I immediately regretted what had just came out of my mouth as soon as I felt his hand grab me and his grip tighten on my arm.

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