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My name is Zackary Quimby, but my friends call me Zack. I was adopted by my new parents at age ten in 1994, which was, aperantly, a year after a famous kids restaurant burnt down, called Freddy Fazbear's Pizza.

My parents said they were nearby when the restaurant burned, they said they watched it.

My mom used to work there as one of the actors, but now she works as a doctor at a hospital nearby our house. My dad...well, he never said if he worked at the restaurant, which is weird. He worked at a fast food restaurant nearby Freddy's, and came out after his shift to see the place burn. He met my mom there, and they started dating. They got married about a month later.

I've always known I was adopted. They adopted me when I was about 10, and I was a really smart kid. I could remember a lot of things, and being adopted was one of them.

The strange thing is, people really think I was born to my parents, cause we share some of the same traits. My mom, her real name is Bonnie Schmidt, is a believer in the supernatural, and so am I. My dad, his name is Mike Schmidt, is very brave and smart, so I am too. I have brown hair, just like both of my parents, but I have dark green eyes, not like my parents. I'm really tall, like my dad, and kind of tan, like my mom.

I've known I was adopted, but instead of calling my parents Bonnie or Mike, I call them mom and dad, cause they adopted me, so I did them the favor of calling them family.

Now back to my life.

I go to school at December High School. I'm in the 11th grade and I have a dark green truck, which is kind of like a camouflage green.

I have a lot of friends to. I've been in December County ever since kindergarten, so I know a lot of people. But, I like to my squad down to a total of five people, one of them is me.

The first is a girl named Olivia, or Olive. She has really short, light pink, curly hair that goes up to her ears. She has like a million freckles on her face and body. She has brown eyes that are super cool, cause she can do a trick and make them look black! She's awesome.

The other one is a boy named Quinton, or Quin. He has short red hair and dark green eyes, darker than mine. He is shorter than me, but taller than Olive. I'm like the tallest in our group.

The other girl is Destiny, or Des. She has waist long black hair that she likes to keep in a braid, and eyes that we have a hard time telling what color they are. We've all agreed that they are a dark purple, but they like to change every once in a while. She is barely taller than Olive, so pretty much, Olive is the shortest.

The final one is Noah. His is the brother of Des. He really cares for her, which I find sweet, since I'm an only child. He has shoulder length blonde hair and brown eyes. He doesn't look anything alike to Des, but I've heard they were born to different mothers, but share the same dad. Noah doesn't know his mom, since he's older than Des. He is also almost taller than me, but I still stand the tallest...for now.

I'm actually the second oldest in the group, cause Noah is the oldest at 18. My friends are also like family to me, so I would do anything for them, but sometimes I regret saying that (you'll see what I mean later).

Now...what's a good life without a crush, hm?

I have a crush on a girl named Jascyn, or Jay to her friends. She is about up to my stomach, so she's kind of short. She has black hair that goes past her shoulders and blue eyes. She's really nice and smart. She likes all sorts of things, and I think that's cool. She isn't really popular, but she has a lot of friends, kind of like me.

But anyways...

I decided to get a new job so I could actually buy things. I've tried the fast food service, but you have to be FASTER than 5 seconds in delivering the food. I've tried delivery, but you need to be at the destination in under 10 minutes. Nothing works for me.

But today, I have a felling I'm gonna find a new job, and it's going to be awesome!

I mean, it's 2024, there HAS to be a good job out there somewhere in December County! Right?

Why a Job like This?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora