Chapter 7

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I got home once more at about 6:30, so I just took a nap...a really long one.


I woke up to mom shaking me. I looked up at her.

"What?" I mumbled with my eyes half open.

"Olive's at the door."

"Ok, give me a minute."

Mom left my room then, and I just changed into a pair of sweats and a t-shirt.

I walked down the stairs from my room. Mom was in the kitchen fixing two hot pockets, Olive and I love those things. I opened the front door to see Olive, but her hair was now a light blue, instead of pink.

"What's up with your hair?" I asked.

"Oh yeah, just trying some new colors." She replied.

"How many times have you changed colors anyways?"

"About...four times."


"Yeah, I'm getting picky, well that's what my mom says."

"Wanna come in?"

"Na, we can sit out here," Olive leaned closer. "Don't think your parents want to hear this," she whispered. "Especially your dad."

I gave Olive a weird look, then walked out on the porch and shut the front door.

"What's up?" I asked her when we sat down on the bench on our porch.

"It's about Fazbear's. I heard they found a real robot! Is that true?"

"Uh, yeah. How do you know?"

"I have my ways. No more questioning me!"


"Can I come?" Olive suddenly asked.

"Come where?" I wondered.

"To Fazbear's! Where else?" She started giving me the puppy-dog-eyes look.

"Not yet." I replied sternly.

"Why not?!?"

"Well, last night I just met him. Springtrap can be very tricky. Plus I don't know what happens when he gets in my office. That about happened two times."

"Well, I can help you then. Plus time will go by a lot faster as well!" She made her puppy-dog-eyes look once more.

I grumbled. "Fine. But you have to listen to me, ok?"

"Righty o boss man!" Olive then soluted me with her right hand.

I laughed. "I don't have to start for another couple hours, since it's only 7:00."


Mom then opened the door. "Hot pockets are ready."

"Ok, we're coming." I said. We both went inside and devoured the hot pockets, pretty much burning our mouths.


Olive wanted to watch something on TV so I let her pick. Big mistake. Olive is probably the biggest anime fan I've ever met, so I had to sit through quite a few episodes of both Sword Art Online and Fairy Tail. They were kind of good, but I had to look at the English subtitles the whole dang time. Mom got us two more hot pockets and we ate them slower this time. The next time I checked the clock, it was time to leave.

Olive climbed in the passenger seat of my truck and we left.


Olive and I walked into my office and Olive sat in the swivel chair. There was another phone call, so I let it play.

"Hey dude! Another night here at Fazbear's Fright. Well...I'm really suprised you haven't quit yet. Oh well, ignore that last bit.

"I hope Springtrap hasn't given you a hassle last night, he can be...confusing, and it can get annoying.

"Hopefully the reset buttons are working just fine for you, we're still trying to make sure everything works, and nothing catches on fire!

"Anyways that's about it. Don't let Springtrap escape from your sight for to long. Things can go very wrong if you can't find him.

"Well, see you tomorrow!" Then the phone clicked off.

"He's pretty energetic." Olive pointed out.

"Yeah, it weird. It's like he NEED to try and make me keep this job."

"I know right?!?"

I stopped talking and looked at the cameras. Springtrap was in camera 10, so I didn't have to worry, but I was still a little nervous. I mean, I have another person to watch over. And she can go nuts!

"Those look like some old cameras."

"Well, I think the CEO spent most of their savings on the place." Olive laughed.

I turned around to look at the window in front of us and about pooped myself. Springtrap was right there!

"He was just in camera 10!" I worried. "How did he do that?"

I looked back at Olive then looked at the doorway. There looked to be a little girl standing there. I could tell though, it was all white.

"Save us..." the glowing blob siad, then disappeared.

"What?!?" Now Olive was starting to worry as well.

"It can't be a ghost. But it looks a lot like one." I pointed out.

"Let's just hope a ghost of a little kid ISN'T trying to scare the poop out of us, ok?"

"Hard not to." I pointed at the doorway. There was another glowing light.

"Touch him..." it disappeared as well.

"What's going on?!" Olive shreecked.

"I wish I knew."

Another light appeared. "Just touch him. It'll help..." it disappeared just like the other two.

"We should do it." Olive said, and I agreed.

We walked out of the office and into the hall. We got closer to Springtrap, who was still looking in the window. I looked at Olive.

"Ready?" I asked.

"Ready." She replied.

We then both extended our hands and touched Springtrap, just like those ghost things told us to.


Hey Fanatics,

Sorry this is short. I'm tired and wanted to post this.

My friend might be coming over this weekend, unless she's sick, so I may not upload.

I'm still working on My Lover's Dark Secret, I just unpublished it. I'm sorry to disappoint everyone who loved We, the Mutants, I ran out of ideas. If you want the ending, let me know, and if there are enough people I'll post the ending, ok?

I'm working on an Adventure Time X Reader for the moment called An Adventure To Be Had, as well as this, My Lover's Dark Secret and Aaron and Demo. I'll post one of them once this book is finished, ok?

See Ya Later,
- MysteriousKyrgy ♡

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