Chapter 3

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My friends and I chatted all lunch long, well, until they opened up the gym. Then Noah, Quin and Des went to the gym and shot some hoops. They begged me to come so I did. Olive watched at the table and cheered us on.

I stopped after 20 minutes, have sweat pouring down my face. I went to go sit back at the table, but stopped. Olive was there, and there were two other people there. They didn't seem like friends of hers, so I got a little closer. It was Faith and Starla. I didn't mean to, but I started evsdropping.

"So, what are you doing?" Faith asked Olive.

"Nothing," Olive looked away from her.

"Oh, I don't think so!" Starla commented. "You're checking that one boy out!"

"No, I'm not." Olive replied.

"Oh, yes you are!" They both said.

"Anyways," Starla started. "He'll never date you! He only likes you as a friend!"

"You don't know that!" Olive stated.

"Oh yes I do!" Faith added matter-of-factly. "He has a crush on Jay, and you know that!"

I looked a little aback. I have a crush on Jay. Does Olive really LIKE LIKE me? I was getting ever so confused.

Olive had looked away from both of them. Faith looked around, but everyone was in the gym, except the four of us. She didn't see me, so she turned back to Olive.

"I think we should," Faith then winked at Starla. She nodded.

They both got up and pinned Olive to the wall. Starla started punching her, while Faith spat on her and slapped her in the face.

They then stopped, backing away.

"Just remember," Starla told Olive. "Zack will never like you. Your so ugly!" They both laughed and left.

Olive sank against the wall and started crying. I ran over to her and knelt down next to her.

"Are you ok Olive?" I asked her.

She looked up at me. "Yeah," she sniffled. "I'm ok."

"I know your not ok," I told her, even though I was the one who asked if she was ok. "Come on, let's go to the nurse."

"No. I said I'm fine." She crossed her arms and looked away from me.

I got a little annoyed and stood up. I grabbed her arms and pulled her on her feet. "I don't want you to argue with me Olive. Your beat up, you need to see the nurse." She looked at me now. "Don't worry, I'll take you." Olive smiled and I smiled back.

She took one step but started to fall. "What's wrong?" I asked, a little scared.

"My ankle." She hissed from the pain. "I think one of those jerks sprained it."

"Don't worry. I got this." I swept her off her feet, carrying her bridle style. I walked up two flights of stairs to the nurses office, but really, Olive wasn't that heavy, so it was pretty easy. At one point she looked at me, a surprised look on her face. She must be still stunned that I actually picked her up.

She then turned away and blushed. "You heard Faith and Starla teasing me, didn't you." I looked down at her. "That's why you were so close to get me."

I didn't say anything, rather I nodded. "Yeah. You looked horrible, so I had to help you. Plus, your my best friend."

Olive looked back at me, still blushing. "So, you heard what they were teasing me about, right?"

Once more, I said nothing. I mean, I was still suprised to find out she liked me. I nodded. Olive blushed even more.

"Don't be embarrassed." I told her. "I don't care if you like me, I think it's cool."

Olive smiled. "Really?"

"Really." She leaned up and gave me a hug. I held her closer to me all the way to the office.


I had to wait in the little reception area outside of the nurses office so she could patch up Olive. I took out the flyer from earlier and read it over and over again. I can't wait to got to work! I thought excitedly. I wonder if I have to start Monday. I thought of a lot of things until the nurse told me I could see Olive.

I came in her white and light pink office. Olive was sitting on a white sort of bed. She had a black eye patch over her left eye, her right shoe and sock was off and replaced with some wrap and so was her left hand. I walked over to her and sat down next to her on the bed.

"You have a great friend there Miss Young." The nurse told Olive. "If you tried to make it up here on your own, you could've broke you ankle, instead of having it sprained."

She smiled at the nurse and turned to me. "I sure do." Talking to the nurse. I, for some reason, started stroking the back of her light pink hair. Olive really didn't care, so I continued.

The office door opened and Noah, Quin and Des walked in, relieved to see Olive and me ok. They ran over to us.

"Great!" Des exclaimed. "Your ok!"

"I thought you got badly hurt." Quin replied with a hint of relief.

"At least your both ok and breathing!" Noah added.

"Why wouldn't we be breathing?" Olive asked.

Noah sort of blushed. "I don't know. That was my first thought." We all laughed.

We talked some more until we heard the bell ring for passing period. The nurse said Olive could go but to come back as soon as either her foot or hand started hurting. She put her shoe on and started walking just fine. We all headed to our classes, not having the same class. I told Olive to check in with me during the next passing periods and she rolled her eyes and smiled.

For some reason, I think I was starting to develop a crush on Olive. I didn't shake that thought out of my head, just walked into Mr. Phifer's class with a smile on my face.

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