Chapter 1

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I walked onto the bus that was outside my house. I wore a big black sweatshirt and blue jeans. I walked down the aisle and sat in an empty seat. I'm usually the second one on and second to last off, so I have quite a while to myself.

I looked out the window at all the lights from the houses of awaking people. My house is in a local housing unit, so all the houses are really close together.

It felt like an hour until Olive got on. She's like my best friend, someone you can tell anything to. Some people think it's dumb that a girl and boy are best friends, but we don't care. Everyone thinks Quin and I are best friends, but I like to talk to him a lot when Olive isn't at school.

She plopped down next to me. "How's it going?" She asked with a casual look on her face. She was wearing a blue shirt and black leggings.

"Fine, how about you?" I asked her.

"Well, Cameron, yah know, my younger sister, was hogging the bathroom this morning."

"But, you don't even put on makeup or anything."

"I know, but the bathroom is the only place with a mirror, so I had to brush my hair in the hallway."

"Well, I could never tell. It looks the same." I said, grabbing a piece of her damp, light pink hair. "Why is your hair wet?"

"It's raining, genius! Noticed?"

I looked out the window and in fact, it was down pouring. That's really common in December County, there's either a lot of snow or rain.

"That makes more sense than what I was going to say." I said a little embarrassed.

"And what was that?" She wondered.


She gave me a look, like she was trying to read my mind.

Uh oh Zack, I thought. Now you've done it.

The thing is with Olive, if you tell her something then change the subject, she'll get super curious and won't drop the subject, no matter where you are. Even over the phone! She doesn't like it when her friends keep secrets from her.

"Zackery, what is it?" She had a VERY serious tone.

Tell her or your going to find out how much it hurts before death!

"Ok, I thought your older brother pulled a prank on you." I spilled, frankly.

"Really?" Olive checked.

"Yeah, stupid right?"

"A little, cause he moved out over the weekend. Went to college."

"REALLY?" I kind of shouted. Her older brother is named Ciel. He was the best football player in the 11th grade and the fastest person to get six F's in one week, except for gym.

"Yeah, suprising right? But he got a football scholarship, so that make even more sense." Olive added.


The bus stopped again and Quin got on the bus. He sat in the seat on our left. He wore a white shirt and blue jeans.

"Sup bro and girl?" Quin greeted.

"Sup?" I asked him and gave him a fistbump.

"Nothing much." He replied. "Hey Olive, I heard your brother moved out. Congrats!"

Olive giggled. "I know right. BEST WEEKEND EVER!" We all laughed.

Olive is like the greatest person to have around when your down. So is Quin, Des and Noah. That's why they're my friends.

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